Crap. Little Timmy fell into the well....
My boss's dog just came running over to my office. She gave an alarmed yelp and then ran away. Then she came back and repeated the process - a few more times. So either she's trying to tell me that Timmy fell into the well, or else both my boss's stepped out for a bit and Lulu is distressed that she can't find them.
Maybe she's splitting the difference and it's your boss who is in the well?
Okay, I admit it, I don't get the BSB or boy bands in general. But this cracks me up (it's a video, fyi).
I wish my boss would bring her dog to work.
I'm tempted to bring my cat to work. But there's a bazillion places he could hide. Also, he doesn't like dogs - the last time a friend brought a dog over, my cat immediatly charged the dog and clawed the dog's nose.
Besides, my cat sleeps during the day anyway....
I can't believe how those kids have blown up -- they were showing them on VH1 or something the other day!
The Iraq War as text adventure game:
Oval Office
You are standing inside a White House, having just been elected to the presidency of the United States. You knew Scalia would pull through for you.
There is a large desk here, along with a few chairs and couches. The presidential seal is in the middle of the room and there is a full-length mirror upon the wall.
What do you want to do now?
You are not able to do that, yet.
Self-reflection is not your strong suit.
It's not that kind of seal.
You're doing good things for hand lovers everywhere.
Teppy was my inspiration...
::sniff:: I'm so proud.
It's not that kind of seal.
Good thing no one's nearby to hear me laugh....
I bring my cat to work at the costume shop, and sometimes it is OK (like when there are a lot of students to keep him entertained) and sometimes it is CRAZY. He has a playpen I can put him into, though, so I can keep him off the costumes when I need to.