Also? One of the reasons he waited a year to call is that he thought I had kids! HAR. (I talk about the 'boys' that I take to see boy movies and have been known to call Bartleby 'my little boy.') Bless his heart for plucking up the courage anyway.
brenda, yup, almost certainly a shortened version of his comment. He's also, unfortunately, responsible for that legion of Precious Moments-y bumperstickers that say "Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly!" Which, as a bumper sticker, is painfully gagworthy; in context, though, it's at the end of a lengthy paragraph about some extremely arcane theological issues, and, as the capper to that lengthy paragraph, it comes at you like a splash of cool water that makes your heart skip a beat with delight.
Unlike the bumper sticker, which is severely tooth-grindy (dunno about the rest of the US, but in the Bay Area suburbs, it's usually accompanied by five or six other hideously chipper stickers, a Support Our Troops ribbon and a W sticker, all of which just make it worse).
Ah, yes. The Cutesie Right Wing.
JZ, I've just eaten, bunky. Please to not make me heave.
(Wish Braugher could call them up, be God, and say "Please don't be an idiot. Thank you." Because I think male God would sound like Andre...all due props to Morgan Freeman. Female God? Kathleen Turner or Christiane Amenpour.)
Female God? Kathleen Turner or Christiane Amenpour.
Ann Richards.
Or possibly Cate Blanchett-as-Galadriel.
Kathleen Turner as God.
I like my god(dess) with a little hottsie tottsie.
Ann Richards.
No wait. I'm voting for this.
Kathleen for vice-god(dess)
Ann Richards would be good, too. She didn't mind getting mooned, after all.
Ann Richards would be good, too. She didn't mind getting mooned, after all.
I didn't think I could love her more than I already did....and then she went on KotH. Love + love = uber-love!
The Cutesie Right Wing.
They're the really dangerous ones. You're numbed by the Precious Moments dash ornaments and the "Never Drive Faster Than Your Guardian Angel Can Fly" bumper stickers and then they strike. You have to protect yourself with a Darwin Fish.
You have to protect yourself with a Darwin Fish.
Sounds like some sort of card game. "I counter your Darwin Fish with a Truth Fish and I attack with a 'In case of Rapture, this car will be unmanned' sticker."
"Damn, wait. I have a rainbow sticker and heeeere is a 'Hate is not a family value' sticker bucky. Game over."
"Not so fast. I'll take care of your sticker with my one man one woman sticker, and looky here." Slams down praying Calvin card