In theory, it makes the pickupee think "Hey, that person's funny/cute! I should have sex with them!"
Wow. You have an interesting personality. I like to have sex with people with interesting personalities....
I don't think anyone has ever used a pick up line on me.
Hey baby. Wanna come back to my place and.... cruise the Internet?
Hey baby. Wanna come back to my place and.... cruise the Internet?
slips Tep my phone number
See! Pickup lines *DO* work!
Unrelated to pickup lines, I seem to have inspired about half my office to eat oatmeal, judging by the oatmeal cannisters with people's names magic-markered on them sitting on the shelf in the kitchen.
We will all triumph over cholesterol!
Go you!
I'm sure there must have been SOME sort of line working on me, but in general they just make me laugh. And scoff.
This convo calls to mind a guy in college who made up business card for picking up women. It said "Lets get drunk and fuck like pigs."
I never asked whether it worked. I didn't want to know.
My college roommate's band had a song called "Nice shoes, wanna fuck?"
Piggie style
With an oink-oink here and an oink-oink there?