Why did they choose a bullwhip for Indiana Jones?
Because it's rugged and manly, and reminiscent of an old-school serial.
(It's nagging at my brain that there was a more specific reason, and that it was probably mentioned on the making-of documentary on the DVD that I watched not three months ago, but I can't remember. Sorry.)
Why did they choose a bullwhip for Indiana Jones?
Because laser-guided missles hadn't been invented yet.
I don't think Clive Owen is hot either. And that takes some effort. I think most British actors are hot. So y'all can have the Clive.
Of course, I think JF is hot...I had a Pretty and Tormented button installed last year and he trips it more than anybody who's not Timmy.
It's our biggest hero-in-your-face celebrity, daytime metaphor for all us
FF? Really? I thought they were kind of ... stuffy, until Ultimate. And even then...
Roll call:
Clive Owen: Neutral. I've seen him in two movies and one of the BMW thingies, and he's never stuck to my brain.
Tobey Maguire: Odd-looking, yet strangely appealing.
Jake Gyllenhall: Neutral-to-attractive.
Matt Damon: Ditto.
James Franco: Looks genetically engineered -- too perfect to be hot.
Colin Firth: HOT. Teppy, you might just need to see a movie with him to get it.
Colin Farrell: Pretty enough to make me watch Phone Booth AND The Recruit. Skanky IRL.
Guy Pearce: Very, VERY pretty.
And, of course:
Drew Fuller: The prettiest, and all mine.
I thought Damon was incredibly hot as Will Hunting, but not as much since. Maybe I just want a working-class hero.
I wouldn't kick Matt Damon out of bed.
Except to do him on the floor.
James Franco: Looks genetically engineered -- too perfect to be hot.
Does the short thing help?
Maybe I just want a working-class hero.
Bourne's kinda middle class.
Rumour has it that Brosnan's out as Bond. I think the Orlando as young Bond rumours are dumb. I much prefer the Bana ones, but appreciate he's maybe a little too...something really delicious for the role.
erika, maybe you just want a working-class hero with a Secret Pain. Unless you take into account his secret pain, Will Hunting is kind of a putz.
I like Matt Damon a lot, but more I think for his smarts than for his pretty face. For one thing, at the rate he is aging his face will no longer be pretty by the time I am 30. It is the smoking, I think.
It really sounds like Bloom's PR peeps are working in overdrive.
Bourne rocks my world.