It really sounds like Bloom's PR peeps are working in overdrive.
But why? Isn't he the most employed yet strangely untested actor of the moment? Doesn't he ever sleep?
Bourne rocks my world.
He has a krav pragmaticism to him that I cleave unto, despite my issues with the whole not-like-the-book thing.
Well, yeah, Nutty, duh! But that kind of sounds like I can't work the suicide hotline cause I'd find it a turn-on. And I don't know how I feel about that. At least in public...
Tim Bayliss has ruined me.
But that kind of sounds like I can't work the suicide hotline cause I'd find it a turn-on.
Ha ha ha! I knew I could guess your kink.
He has a krav pragmaticism to him that I cleave unto
Is there a special training level of krav that deals with how to kill your opponent with a pen, or a rolled-up magazine? He is second only to MacGyver in his improvisational hoodoo.
Is there a special training level of krav that deals with how to kill your opponent with a pen, or a rolled-up magazine?
Nope. It's part of the foundation stone philosophy of kicking ass. Give them the building blocks, and the extrapolations will come.
They're remaking My Bodyguard.
This is just wrong, unless they can find another batch of unknowns to match the original film--Matt Damon, Adam Baldwin, and Joan Cusack, with cameos by George Wendt and Tim Kazurinsky.
Kathy -- you mean Matt Dillon, right? Not Matt Damon?
It really sounds like Bloom's PR peeps are working in overdrive.
But why? Isn't he the most employed yet strangely untested actor of the moment?
The question contains its own answer.
It's interesting that the idea behind Bourne's uncanny McGuyver ability is that he notices
while the audience is simultaneously kept from noticing anything.
The question contains its own answer.
No, I'm just wondering what they've done in the past six months to earn their living. He seems to be the perpetual motion machine of the industry.
And as with all of those so far ... let's see what scrutiny shows.
At least he's pretty.
ita likes pretty.
A lot.
I like pretty, but the first Bourne was not with the sense-making. It was a good time, and Franka gave herself a haircut. And, Jeez, Nutty, I wasn't serious...Hec's here. If that gets in my file, I may never see a man who smiles again.
It was a good time, and Franka gave herself a haircut.
Matt did the honors with the scissors.
And, Jeez, Nutty, I wasn't serious...Hec's here. If that gets in my file, I may never see a man who smiles again.
Note to erika's file: Death for smoochies