Steph L, I finally, after much hell, got your CD sent today. Because of the amount of sucking I sent it priority mail, so it might show up Saturday. I also included Elizabeth's CD and liner notes. I should be getting a new printer shortly, so I'll print out nice liner notes and a cover and a label and everything and send that out next week.
Can you ever forgive me?
Nothing to forgive, silly! I just can't wait to get it, as I'm unfamiliar with almost all the musicians on your mix, and this swap is -- for me -- all about getting to know new music.
Tom Waits would also make me inarticulate.
And yet, I've heard from people who know that he's a great guy to just sit and have a few drinks with. Not so much with the drinking these days, but the kind of guy who might just end up next to you at a bar and jaw a spell with you.
I'm listening to Jon's excellent mix RIGHT NOW. Sweet!
BTW, I'm going to put a cleaner version of my liner notes up on the web this weekend.
BTW, I'm going to put a cleaner version of my liner notes up on the web this weekend.
So you did your liner notes like a rap record with a dirty version and a clean version?
Someone has to think of the children....
And the Wal-Mart sales.
"Blue Light special on Hayden's Liner Notes! Aisle 9."
Blue Light Special is K-Mart.
Pedant who worked at K-Mart in high school
(Though I appreciate the pun on "blue.")