I bought a t-shirt with day glo PiL logos all over it, but I think that has disappeared long ago. I was soaking wet by the time I left and I remember someone tried to talk to me on the subway back home. I had no idea what to do to make them go away so I growled. it worked.
O. M. G. This image amuses me greatly.
fierce and scary. that would've been me. grr.
That story rocks, Msbelle.
I'm currently in the middle of reading the Lemony Snicket book that takers place at the Carnival, and I'm imagining Msbelle as Sunny disguised as a wolf-child, but wearing a PiL shirt, going all "grrrr".
It really does!
I like the Stone Roses, but I don't think that they're the best of anything - - probably not even of bands that came out of Manchester in the same year they did.
Here's the rest of the Observer list. Not great, but there's some gems on there.
Wow, here's some cluelessness (and some good stuff, too, to be fair) to remind us why politics & music are completely unrelated.
I'm looking to make myself a new mix cd- something along the lines of a "Hey you nitwit, snap out of it, it's summer, so be happy" kind of mix. (I spend lots of time in the car, so I make a lot of cds.) Anyone got any songs that shouldn't be left out?