Sir? I think you have a problem with your brain being missing.

Zoe ,'The Train Job'

Firefly Spoilers  

Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.

Kalshane - May 06, 2005 7:08:29 pm PDT #890 of 1424
GS: If you had to choose between kicking evil in the head or the behind, which would you choose, and why? Minsc: I'm not sure I understand the question. I have two feet, do I not? You do not take a small plate when the feast of evil welcomes seconds.

Ha! Our nefarious plan has succeeded, then.

Frankenbuddha - May 09, 2005 5:03:38 am PDT #891 of 1424
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

Hmmm. I just remembered that back when the movie was first announced, Ron Glass and Alan Tudyk were the last to be confirmed as returning. I wonder if/how that's connected.

Anne W. - May 09, 2005 5:10:20 am PDT #892 of 1424
The lost sheep grow teeth, forsake their lambs, and lie with the lions.

Huh. You might have something there.

Volans - May 12, 2005 5:23:54 am PDT #893 of 1424
move out and draw fire

Fuckity. How come whenever I decide to get spoiled, it's never for something good?

I'm surprised, a bit, about Wash, because I though Tim and Joss really like Alan, and vice versa. But in a way I'm not surprised...if you are paring characters for a continuing series, those two are the characters to pare. Loads of emotional content in the event of their deaths, and loads of story seeds for how the survivors deal with their deaths. And I'm not sure that Joss and Alan were seeing eye-to-eye on Wash's character anyway.

I'm not surprised that there's a fan campaign to change the story, though. I mean, there's a campaign to change accepted scientific things like evolution. People just aren't very good at accepting things that make them uncomfortable or unhappy anymore.

Still jealous of all you screening-attendees.

Lee - May 12, 2005 5:29:57 am PDT #894 of 1424
The feeling you get when your brain finally lets your heart get in its pants.

In one way, I'm sadder about Book's death than I am about Wash's, because it means we will never learn his back story. I know there was almost no chance we would have any way, but this makes it definite.

tommyrot - May 12, 2005 7:27:11 am PDT #895 of 1424
Sir, it's not an offence to let your cat eat your bacon. Okay? And we don't arrest cats, I'm very sorry.

Spoilery reveiw (FAQ, actually) of both SW:E3-RotS and Serenity on AICN: [link]

x-post with MOvies.

It's all on one link. If you want to read the Serenity stuff but don't want to be spoiled for SW:E3-RotS, just do a 'find' for "Serenity" - it's about a third of the way down.

Allyson - May 12, 2005 7:49:45 am PDT #896 of 1424
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

Why are we whitefonting in spoilers.

I see Frank picked up the cluestick.

It's not really about love or lack thereof, it's about moving on, I think.

Allyson - May 12, 2005 7:58:59 am PDT #897 of 1424
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

I think the thing that squicks me about the fucked up campaign is I get a serious Misery vibe off of it. Like the nutjob running it is going to tie Joss to a chair and break his kneecaps or something.

I'm probably the last person in the world to tell someone to let it go, I realize.

Kate P. - May 12, 2005 8:04:11 am PDT #898 of 1424
That's the pain / That cuts a straight line down through the heart / We call it love

Is she still going? I tuned out after a couple of days.

It's not really about love or lack thereof, it's about moving on, I think.

What is this in reference to, Allyson? I can't figure out specifically what you mean.

Frankenbuddha - May 12, 2005 8:04:12 am PDT #899 of 1424
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

I'm probably the last person in the world to tell someone to let it go, I realize.

Well, I think there's a world of difference between running a campaign to get a network to not cancel a show, and running a campaign to dictate what the creator of said show (or movie, in this case) should do with his story. Not just world - galaxy of difference. Different universes, even. And, yeah, even without reading the few comments of hers I've seen, the nature of the campaign itself sets off all kinds of warning bells for crazy.

I'm not sure why we're white-fonting at this point - it just started and then carried momentum.