Oh, I'm sure they will never get off the kill list. But I'll bet they are now off the "spend buku bucks to track down and kill" list.
Buffy ,'Chosen'
Firefly Spoilers
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
Well, the Operative said they aren't very forgiving.
The crew of Serenity just dealt them a huge political blow. It might not be just Simon and River they're after anymore.
I think Joss left himself (and more specifically Tim, in the case of the sequel) a lot of room in that respect.
As for the big brouhaha, I'm glad Alan Tudyk is good with the decision (and possibly even asked for it.) It doesn't make me feel any less sucker-punched with the way it happened.
Okay, so, now I'm arguing with asshats on the internet. And defending Whedon.
I must be really in need of procrastination.
This makes me the bigger asshat, I know.
I didn't get to have a long drawn out conversation with him. But he did laugh and joke about it. "That Joss, he will just kill you, you know?" is the quote I remember.
We were sitting with some people that hadn't seen the movie so he said it in a double entendre sort of way.
He did put his hand on my leg and give it a squeeze in sympathy when I first told him that I saw a screening. Which is definitely one of my highlight reel moments in Firefly fandom.
He wanted to know if I thought it "worked" and I told him that it did in my opinion but, that not everyone felt the same way.
Ugh. Where are you arguing with asshats, Allyson? Or should I not even ask?
FWIW, I'm very glad to hear that Alan Tudyk (I feel like I should make this whitefont longer so the name can't be guessed from the length alone, although really, is there anyone still reading this who doesn't know by now? anyway) is fine with the decision. I don't know how or why the decision was made, and I can't say that knowing would really impact my opinion of the event one way or another. All that matters to me is that Wash is dead, and ain't coming back. And that fucking hurts.
Re: the LJ Whiner and her ilk, I do think they're being silly. Which isn't to say that the thought didn't occur to me last night that "they still have time! they could reshoot it so he lives and everything is OK and it ends with a big Simon/Kaylee/Mal/Jayne orgy!" but, you know, I kind of realized pretty quickly that that was unlikely to happen. And more to the point, mounting a public campaign like that is just going to piss a lot of people off (especially those you spoil inadvertently, who will be many), including the creators. Oy.
I made my first post at the Serenitymovie.com boards to tell the LJ girl she was being irrational, Kate.
As if I should talk.
I was really burnt that I only have like, 85 points. You can score points for merchandise by making banners and shit.
What do you get for making a Variety ad?
If I could find a friggin contact at the board, I'd make some demands on behalf of F:IA and get me and the girls some swag. I think we should all have enough points for a Serenity personal airplane by now.
IMO, you should have enough points to have Wash and Xander following you around day and night as your wet, barefoot, tired-foot-rubbing and bookshelf-building devoted slaves.
See, now, I agree.
I'd totally sign that petition.
I'm wondering if I'm strong enough to stop by serenitymovie.com. On the one hand, I am dying to talk about the movie. And crazy people are often amusing, unless they're annoying instead. Hmm. On the other hand, I should probably go to bed... but who am I kidding? t opens new window
Okay, what's with all this crazy white font in the spoiler thread? Trying to read it is giving me a headache.