Mal: Go on. Get in there. Give your brother a thrashing for messing up your plan. River: He takes so much looking after.

'Objects In Space'

Firefly Spoilers  

Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.

Allyson - Jul 21, 2003 2:48:22 pm PDT #265 of 1424
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

I'm thinking, the lipstick and hair-flipping and looking fabulous are kind of a prerequisite if you want people to pay ridiculous amounts of money to have sex with you.

My point is, that this is all the character is. This is all she does. There's no more depth to her than hair flipping, tea making, and applying lipstick, aside from occassionally bitching that there's no work.

Fay - Jul 21, 2003 3:09:28 pm PDT #266 of 1424
"Fuck Western ideologically-motivated gender identification!" Sulu gasped, and came.

It is all she does. Can't argue with that. But I don't know that it's all she is. I mean, equally, being a happily married kick-ass second-in-command is all Zoe does, and being a chipper Engineer is all Kaylee does. I realise that canon doesn't give us Inara's backstory, but there evidently is one, just as there's one for Book. And in addition to the looking pretty and the sex'n'tea stuff that's her day job, we know that she's a decent swordswoman, that she can handle a gun, that she's a competent shuttle pilot and she can keep her head in a crisis. She's even saved Mal's ass several times, which is more than I've ever done for a landlord.

I appreciate that none of these are enough if the actress simply gets on your tits, or if the concept of a character who's a hooker pisses you off. But I don't think she's got less depth to her than most of the others - Jayne, say, or River, or Book. I just don't think we've heard all her backstory yet.

Allyson - Jul 21, 2003 3:20:59 pm PDT #267 of 1424
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

I just don't think we've heard all her backstory yet.

I don't think there is one, hence, no depth. She was born, painted her nails, talked on the phone about boys, went to Companion Community College where she majored in footwashing and took classes in swordsmanship and lipstick application, and took up residence on Serenity.

Ordinarily, I'd ask why she took up residence on the ship, and how she is paying for board with no work, but the character is a stale scone with no inner life who exists only to be a whiny sexual tension breadstick to Mal's spicy gumbo.

And there's no sexual tension in tea. Tea makes me think of the Queen Mother, taxation without representation, and sore throats.

We only get these few episodes, and within them, there is no reason to care if Inara lives or dies, or to claw out one's brain trying to figure out answers to questions that will be left hanging.

What did the Alliance do to River? How did Zoe and Mal ever manage to fall in love? Is Simon ever going to fuck Jayne? Is Jayne going to go postal on everyone if Simon doesn't fuck him soon? Will Mal ever going to find peace? Is Kaylee going to climb out of her shell? Is Book a good preacher, or a bad preacher? Will Inara PLEASE DIE?

Jon B. - Jul 21, 2003 4:26:52 pm PDT #268 of 1424
A turkey in every toilet -- only in America!

I asked in Bureaucracy if we can consense that, until the UK has seen each of them, there will be no further discussion of "The Message", "Heart of Gold" or "Objects In Space" in this thread. That way the thread will be safe for the UKistas as long as they don't read older posts. Three weeks from now, after all the eps have aired in the UK, this thread would be fair game for anything.

If you have an opinion, get thee to Bureaucracy.

le nubian - Jul 21, 2003 9:39:05 pm PDT #269 of 1424
"And to be clear, I am the hell. And the high water."

Can someone explain to me why a spoiler thread has limits on what can and cannot be discussed?

That seems bizarre and counter to what a spoiler thread is all about.

Daisy Jane - Jul 21, 2003 9:46:15 pm PDT #270 of 1424
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

I think th eproblem, if I understand correctly, is that the UKers need somewhere to talk about the episodes we didn't get to see. Here seems logical, but there is information in here about some of the ones they haven't seen. if they talk about it in regular firefly, then where will the Ams talk about it if they want to be unspoiled for the DVDs?

I think I have that right.

Am-Chau Yarkona - Jul 21, 2003 10:58:32 pm PDT #271 of 1424
I bop to Wittgenstein. -- Nutty

Skipping over many posts, and going to read next ones with hands over eyes, because there doesn't seem to be a consensus about where we post or whitefonting the other unaired episodes, to say... Trash. This was one amazing episode.

There was naked Mal. Naked. Not wearing any clothes. And being all... practical about it.

quiet moment to dwell on the goodness that is Tightpants sans pants

Saffron. I like Saffron, or rather, I throughly enjoy hating her. She's yet another example of how this show sets my Kinsey swinging, because I'd marry her in a heartbeat if she asked me. And then I'd want to kill her. Who wouldn't?

Inara was totally wonderful-- she's so cool, so calm, and she sets Mal on edge so perfectly.

And Zoe was great, and Wash's expression when Mal walked on board, naked, was priceless.

And River. Oh, wow, that girl just gets better and better. "I can kill you with my brain."

And, of course, my very own darling pet Simon. With Jayne trapped on the table, and now I'm definately seeing how people get that strange idea about there being sparks between Simon and Jayne. Sparks, oh dearie me, sparks indeed.

I was throughly blown away by the whole episode. Being unspoilt definately helped-- I wasn't expecting the little structure bitty, that gave us naked!Mal at the start as well as at the end; and I wasn't expecting Saffron. This is a truly wonderful show. I'm head over heels in love. And t bitter I don't want it to end, dammit!

Fay - Jul 22, 2003 2:41:35 am PDT #272 of 1424
"Fuck Western ideologically-motivated gender identification!" Sulu gasped, and came.

I was throughly blown away by the whole episode. Being unspoilt definately helped-- I wasn't expecting the little structure bitty, that gave us naked!Mal at the start as well as at the end; and I wasn't expecting Saffron. This is a truly wonderful show. I'm head over heels in love.


Can someone explain to me why a spoiler thread has limits on what can and cannot be discussed?

That seems bizarre and counter to what a spoiler thread is all about.

t puzzled

Either you don't understand the situation, or else you're being wilfully perverse. And, or at least so it seems to me, a tad on the arsey and combative side.

Trash has just been aired in the UK, but it has not yet been aired in the US. Up until this point, we have been able to discuss shows in the main thread as they air, and the US folks have kindly refrained from spoiling us (which has been greatly appreciated) and seem to have been enjoying our enthusiasm. Since our viewing order is that which Joss & co originally had in mind, we've started off with Serenity, giving us a significantly different experience of the show and impressions of character development etc have been markedly different, to judge from the general reactions.

Now I'm already pretty damned spoiled, but I'm enjoying the show so very much that I'm loath to be spoiled any further than I am - it's so much more fun to not see twists of plot and individual lines coming. So I've been avoiding this thread, for the most part. Other people are more spoilerphobic than I, and I can't say I blame them.

Regardless, we are now at a point where if we discuss the most recently aired episode in the main, non-spoiler thread, we will spoil some of the US Buffistas. This would be a shitty thing to do. Talking about Trash etc etc in the non-spoiler thread wouldn't be spoilery as far as we're concerned, you understand, because it has been aired. But it would be spoilery for them.

So it seemed sensible to move discussion of the spoilery-for-the-US episodes over here, rather than make a whole new thread just for the purpose.

But of course, that puts those of us who don't want to be spoiled for other episodes in a bit of a quandry. 'Cause I really want to be able to keep on talking about the episodes, but I don't want to be any more spoiled than I already am. And I don't want to spoil other people either.

Does this make it any clearer?

Nutty - Jul 22, 2003 6:22:22 am PDT #273 of 1424
"Mister Spock is on his fanny, sir. Reports heavy damage."

Let us say that Inara wears a bra with more aplomb than early Princess Leia, although she has not yet topped the Metal Bra of Captivity. It would take some doing to top the MBofC.

My dislike of Inara (up to this canon point) has nothing to do with her reserve, and everything to do with her concept (i.e. Companions) not making much sense socially, nor in the "gee, I might need to run in this skirt" sense. Also, there's the irritatingly stereotypical angsty-attracted antagonism with the male authority figure. The actor has no charisma I can see, but that only showcases the uselessness of the character as written. I'm with Allyson -- she theoretically serves a purpose, tying the dusty worlds back in with the clean worlds, giving the show a reason to go to Ariel, etc., etc., but mostly, she is Cast Member Number Nine, in a cast that should really be seven or fewer.

I like Saffron -- she is charismatic. I would like her even more if she had ever heard of this exciting new invention called the hairbrush.

Am-Chau Yarkona - Jul 22, 2003 6:36:26 am PDT #274 of 1424
I bop to Wittgenstein. -- Nutty

My dislike of Inara (up to this canon point) has nothing to do with her reserve, and everything to do with her concept (i.e. Companions) not making much sense socially, nor in the "gee, I might need to run in this skirt" sense.

Ah, see, I've almost completely turned off my 'does this make actual sense?' function of analysis for this show. I'm only looking at it making emotional, gut-sense, troll-logic if you will, because our earth-logic doesn't exist in this world. I can't see how Companions work socially, or why they're still using projectile weapons, or how Simon's explanation of what they did to River is anything other than mumbo-jumbo, but I'm willing to suspend, as part of the general fictional 'suspention of disbelief' thing.

This may one day be the cause of a falling-out of love with this show, but for the time being I'm happy with the compromise.