Um, well, we listened to aggressively cheerful music sung by people chosen for their ability to dance. Then we ate cookie dough, and talked about boys.

Giles ,'Get It Done'

Firefly Spoilers  

Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.

DXMachina - Jul 22, 2003 7:03:27 am PDT #275 of 1424
You always do this. We get tipsy, and you take advantage of my love of the scientific method.

Ah, see, I've almost completely turned off my 'does this make actual sense?'

Like a world where they have dumpsters that think? There had to have been a better way for the writers to have the crew smuggle the laser out of the house than a programmable dumpster, which makes no sense at all.

One problem I have with the concept of Companions is that they are supposed to be highly respected in the society, but apart from one scene in "The Train Job" nobody in the Firefly verse seems have gotten that memo. Everyone else, with the exception of a couple of recently deflowered young men, seems to treat Inara's occupation with very little respect at all.

Plus there's the whole question of why she's on that ship. She and Mal even talk about it in "Trash", and she still has no good answer. Why would a high-class call girl attach herself to a seedy tramp steamer? It makes no sense.

Fay - Jul 22, 2003 7:03:53 am PDT #276 of 1424
"Fuck Western ideologically-motivated gender identification!" Sulu gasped, and came.

I can't see how Companions work socially

I can't quite see how either, but I really would like it to work socially. In a stupid, idealistic way. There's always going to be prostitution; it would be a good thing, I think, if somehow the profession were respected. I don't know that I buy this version of it, and I don't know that it's ever going to be possible for prostitution to be respected, to be a valid career choice that doesn't involve contempt on either side. But the parallels with geishas and with temple prostitutes are interesting to me. YMMV. Perhaps it would be stronger with a smaller cast.


One problem I have with the concept of Companions is that they are supposed to be highly respected in the society, but apart from one scene in "The Train Job" nobody in the Firefly verse seems have gotten that memo. Everyone else, with the exception of a couple of recently deflowered young men, seems to treat Inara's occupation with very little respect at all.

I put that down to the fact that it's a Core World thing; that the social niche she fills in the Core Worlds barely exists out on the rim, so the crasser characters, if they're aware that she's a sex worker, translate that as a low class thing.

Plus there's the whole question of why she's on that ship. She and Mal even talk about it in "Trash", and she still has no good answer. Why would a high-class call girl attach herself to a seedy tramp steamer? It makes no sense.

Oh, I don't mind that. It's like Book's back story - I just believe that there is a reason, and that it would be an interesting reason.

Nutty - Jul 22, 2003 7:22:35 am PDT #277 of 1424
"Mister Spock is on his fanny, sir. Reports heavy damage."

I do think that the Companion concept could have made sense -- if it hadn't been exclusively linked to prostitution. If you really want to call someone "companion" and "ambassador", then why not make her, in fact, a cultural ambassador? A guild of cultural propagandists from the clean worlds, a chief vehicle for gossip and fashion trends out toward the fringes, a teacher of manners and style and etiquette for the young aspiring gentry. Such a job description could also involve sex (or it could not), but what it does do is provide a reason for a Companion to (a) travel (especially back and forth from center to fringes) and (b) be respected.

Also, it's nefarious, and I like nefarity. If just once someone had hired her saying "Thank goodness! I haven't had a decent game of whist in ages! ", then I think my idea could be plausibly wanked into canon; but if it's all about the booty call, then NSM. There's only so much socio-political function you can ascribe to a man following his dick, but train his children as petit-bourgeoisie, and you'll have him in the palm of your hand.

Noumenon - Jul 22, 2003 8:04:26 am PDT #278 of 1424
No other candidate is asking the hard questions, like "Did geophysicists assassinate Jim Henson?" or "Why is there hydrogen in America's water supply?" --defective yeti

Can someone explain to me why a spoiler thread has limits on what can and cannot be discussed?

That seems bizarre and counter to what a spoiler thread is all about

I wouldn't call this willfully perverse, Fay. It should almost be in the FAQ for this discussion. It really doesn't make sense until you've explained why those last three episodes are being discussed here even though they're not too spoilery, and what's changed so that they've become more spoilery. (I still don't get it, but I don't need to know.)

Hi, le nubian. On W/X, because of your picture, I figured you named yourself for being African in origin. Now that I see you on a new board, I'm wondering if your name isn't really a pun on "le newbie one"?

DXMachina - Jul 22, 2003 8:59:17 am PDT #279 of 1424
You always do this. We get tipsy, and you take advantage of my love of the scientific method.

Oh, I don't mind that. It's like Book's back story - I just believe that there is a reason, and that it would be an interesting reason.

Book isn't trying to earn a living, though. He is someone who ministers to the poor. From what I can see, Inara's "ministry" requires someone to pay her lots of money, and you just don't see a lot of those sorts of folks when you're on that kind of ship.

DCJensen - Jul 22, 2003 9:03:14 am PDT #280 of 1424
All is well that ends in pizza.

Yes, but they had been stopping at various quality ports where she *had* made contacts. She apparently chose to live out on the rim, and perhaps we'll get that backstory someday.

Fay - Jul 22, 2003 9:47:29 am PDT #281 of 1424
"Fuck Western ideologically-motivated gender identification!" Sulu gasped, and came.

What Daniel said. The implication is that she's running away from something, same as the rest of them - not the law, but something. Plenty of people comment upon the fact that it's unusual to see a Companion out on the rim - she's got regulars she sees on the swankier planets, but clearly it's not usual for a Companion to be out there on this kind of ship. I presume that she has her reasons, and that the writers would have given us some more insight into her backstory and motivations if they'd not been stopped mid-season. Clearly YMMV on this one, though.

Le Nubian, I'm sorry for assuming that you read the main Firefly thread, and understood why there was any issue about where the UK folks could discuss the eps that were being aired. If you don't, then I can understand this being puzzling.

It really doesn't make sense until you've explained why those last three episodes are being discussed here even though they're not too spoilery, and what's changed so that they've become more spoilery. (I still don't get it, but I don't need to know.)


Man, I'm clearly being dim. I still don't get what you don't get, and I feel very stupid.

Nothing's changed to make them more spoilery. But the context of the discussion has changed, because the show is being aired in the UK. In the correct running order.

We've been discussing episodes as they air in the UK in the main thread, but now we're up to the unaired-in-the-US episode Trash we cannot continue to do so. (Well, okay, we could, but it would be shitty of us, since some of the US folks don't want to be spoiled for the unaired eps.)

That means we can't talk about those episodes anywhere but here.

But if we don't want to be spoiled for the other episodes that haven't yet been aired in the UK ( The Message, Heart of Gold and Objects In Space, to be aired in that order), we're kind of screwed, because this thread is the spoiler thread.

So it's either discuss in spoilerfont in the main thread, or else discuss it here and just hope not to be further spoiled. (I vote for the former, myself, but whatever's easiest.)

le nubian - Jul 22, 2003 10:23:09 pm PDT #282 of 1424
"And to be clear, I am the hell. And the high water."


thanks for the apology. I do not read the main threads in this forum, only the spoiler threads. I am vehemently against a limitation of what should be discussed in a spoiler thread. I would much rather a "UK thread" be created than to limit discussion here.

Noumenon, I'm actually not a newbie to this thread (or the forum). If you go WAY BACK, I've posted in here before. Around September or October. My nick comes from a musical group, Les Nubians.

DCJensen - Jul 22, 2003 10:41:57 pm PDT #283 of 1424
All is well that ends in pizza.

I am vehemently against a limitation of what should be discussed in a spoiler thread. I would much rather a "UK thread" be created than to limit discussion here.

Well whether you are against the rules or not, they are the rules and if you want to change them, make your case in the Bureaucracy thread.

Daniel C. Jensen "Bureaucracy 2: Like Sartre, Only Longer" Jul 16, 2003 5:46:11 am PDT

le nubian - Jul 22, 2003 10:46:23 pm PDT #284 of 1424
"And to be clear, I am the hell. And the high water."

okay, let me know what the rules are because in Buffy/Angel - nothing is off-limits in the spoiler thread.

maybe I need to unsubscribe from this thread totally.