Buffy 4: Grr. Arrgh.
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
Oh, dear. I keep tearing up as I read the posts.
That was beautiful. It was exactly what it should have been. And yet -- I am mourning greatly for Anya, a character I've never much liked. Even though I was pretty sure she'd be the major character to die, I'm deeply saddened by it. Because, by God, she took out a few ubervamps before she went down.
And if I'd known it was Amanda who died (I have a small TV and I couldn't tell who it was), I would have lost it even more completely than I did. I loved Amanda! Why couldn't it have been Kennedy or Rona or even Vi (who was terrific)? Why why why did it have to be Amanda? Why?
Spike was wonderful. Giles was wonderful. Xander and Dawn and Willow were wonderful. Everyone was wonderful.
I can't possibly list all the things I loved most, but I'm pretty sure my very favorite moment was the suddenly empowered smile of the little girl playing softball. It was beautiful. And was rivaled only by Buffy's smile at the very end.
And now I'm all misty again.
I got a Very Important phone call which I'd been waiting for all day, and which I had to take, at 8:20. I couldn't tear my eyes off the screen even while I talked very serious stuff with the phoner until 8:55. I will rewatch immediately, but I wanted to come here and say, well,
I'm not sure what, yet. It still hasn't hit that this is it. THis is all. Game over.
Angel's broody enough as is, we don't need broody Buffy and broody Angel.
Oh, I want all broody, all the time on ATS! Think how funny that would be, them all trying to out-brood each other. Wes, Buffy, Angel, Fred ... and Lorne and Lilah just snarking at them. A whole opening scene of nothing but them moping in silence, and then Gunn comes in with jelly doughnuts and they perk right up!
Oh, hey how about the Mutant Enemy guy turning toward the camera, looking all uber vampy?
PB, that Trogdor link is fucking hysterical.
Anya. God did I love her tonight - she was just so
in all her scenes. And Xander still loves her.
But I think he should have just let her "I love you" go. Let her think he thought she meant it.
Oh no, I think his response just made the scene. Because, if nothing else was salvagable about their relationship/connection/whatever, they were past the point of lying to each other. It took Buffy a lot to get to that point on her side, and she deserved nothing less from him.
Plei, what was your Sunnydale partybus comment from earlier - damn, I will have to go look and repost (if it's unspoily).
Oh, it's in spoilers, but it's unspoily.
I love that Sidney Cartoning is now a verb.
That is all.
Ah, here it was, from Plei - earlier in the day (that spoiled hussy):
(Who gets to comfort Xander now? Will it be Buffy? Will it be Andrew? Will it be a WHOLE BUS FULL OF NEW SLAYERS?!? Stay tuned for this week's episode of SPB Sexapolloza!)
Talk about bogarting parens!
Except I've spaced on what SPB meant - damn! Back to the threads, ahoy!
Cindy, I live close to Atlanta. And a lot of the time I don't even bother to post because you've already said what I was thinking.
I've briefly met an Amber who is a roomie of a Boston (old time) Bronzer friend's sister, and if you were she, I was going to have a major freak, and make you be my new best friend!
Cindy, that is creepy.
I now have hairs standing up on the back of my neck, and also? I need major medication. I think the wine is having the opposite effect of what is required.
My goodness. I'm useless without this show. And yes, as a married mother of three, I realize that statement is completely infantile. BtVS came around at exactly the right time in my life. I needed things to talk about, thing to think about, that weren't my babies and husband. And I've been fortunate with the friends I've made in this fandom. There's not a bruised banana in the bunch. And I've talked, written and thought so much about serious and important things, and cream rinse, and pink leather pants, too.
t sniff
Except I've spaced on what SPB meant - damn! Back to the threads, ahoy!
Slayer Party Bus