Cindy, I live close to Atlanta. And a lot of the time I don't even bother to post because you've already said what I was thinking.
I've briefly met an Amber who is a roomie of a Boston (old time) Bronzer friend's sister, and if you were she, I was going to have a major freak, and make you be my new best friend!
Cindy, that is creepy.
I now have hairs standing up on the back of my neck, and also? I need major medication. I think the wine is having the opposite effect of what is required.
My goodness. I'm useless without this show. And yes, as a married mother of three, I realize that statement is completely infantile. BtVS came around at exactly the right time in my life. I needed things to talk about, thing to think about, that weren't my babies and husband. And I've been fortunate with the friends I've made in this fandom. There's not a bruised banana in the bunch. And I've talked, written and thought so much about serious and important things, and cream rinse, and pink leather pants, too.
t sniff
thw thing with Buffy saying I love you-- bear with ,me.. She was short on time and needed to get something through and that is what she felt in the moment.. I remember acting in a show, about to go on, snd the prop person was argueing with me about my prop... And all I could squeeze out of my mouth was "FUCK YOU " and grabbing the prop. Which is exactly what I meant in the moment, bot later on, if I had had more time and more words, I could have stated it better. That is how I see Buffy's "I love you:" She meant it exactly in that second, but 5 minutes later, she might have thought of a better way to express her emotions.
Except I've spaced on what SPB meant - damn! Back to the threads, ahoy!
Oh rutting duh! Sunnydale Party Bus!
Just stake me now, get it over with.
Thanks yoose all.
I still blame the booze, and society.
ETA - that was an x-post.
No really.
'night everyone. The Benadryl is kicking in. I'll catch up with y'all's comments in the morning.
PB, that Trogdor link is fucking hysterical.
Brenda, glad you liked it. I just had to share it. I couldn't believe they referenced strongbad email on the last show. Too too funny.
I really loved the girl-potential slayer who was getting hit and then rises up and stops the hand. Go you! Kick ass and take names!
I adored this--I loved seeing all the potential slayers awakening to their power, esp. the little girl playing baseball and the heavy girl. This is the first (but not last) time I teared up in this ep. Oh, and tearing up again now.
Liked the handicapped one coming out of her chair especially.
?? Clearly I missed a lot--must rewatch again tonight! My attention to details was not at its height tonight, due to the wine and the tears.
I want that picture of Angel from the punching bag.
That was Angel?! HA! I missed that.
Other favorite bits: the gang playing D&D (Andrew in the red cape; Giles with the strength of a doily); Willow the White; Andrew wondering why he's still alive; "no way you're prettier than me"; "That's my girl, always doing the stupid thing"; okay, I could just quote about 20 lines just off the top of my head...
But I have a question pertaining to next year's Angel (casting spoiler):
Spike?! What the fuck? Is that intentional misinformation, or will he really still be on Angel next year?
Am I the only one who felt that the Core Four moment in the hallway ("let's go shopping!") felt really forced? I mean, I liked it, and the continuity nod made me very happy, but to me it just underscored how far they've all come, and how much they've changed, since the first episode, and I didn't really believe that they were those characters anymore.
I really can't believe that they're all (the Core Four) still alive!
The slayers awakening around the world was too awesome.
I was covered in goosebumps.
Seriously, Scola was sitting right here and I'm wearing a tank top and shorts-- there's a witness.
Kate, I read it completely as them drawing upon their memories of themselves, of who they were, of where they started from for an extra measure of...well, them.