PB, that Trogdor link is fucking hysterical.
Anya. God did I love her tonight - she was just so
in all her scenes. And Xander still loves her.
But I think he should have just let her "I love you" go. Let her think he thought she meant it.
Oh no, I think his response just made the scene. Because, if nothing else was salvagable about their relationship/connection/whatever, they were past the point of lying to each other. It took Buffy a lot to get to that point on her side, and she deserved nothing less from him.
Plei, what was your Sunnydale partybus comment from earlier - damn, I will have to go look and repost (if it's unspoily).
Oh, it's in spoilers, but it's unspoily.
I love that Sidney Cartoning is now a verb.
That is all.
Ah, here it was, from Plei - earlier in the day (that spoiled hussy):
(Who gets to comfort Xander now? Will it be Buffy? Will it be Andrew? Will it be a WHOLE BUS FULL OF NEW SLAYERS?!? Stay tuned for this week's episode of SPB Sexapolloza!)
Talk about bogarting parens!
Except I've spaced on what SPB meant - damn! Back to the threads, ahoy!
Cindy, I live close to Atlanta. And a lot of the time I don't even bother to post because you've already said what I was thinking.
I've briefly met an Amber who is a roomie of a Boston (old time) Bronzer friend's sister, and if you were she, I was going to have a major freak, and make you be my new best friend!
Cindy, that is creepy.
I now have hairs standing up on the back of my neck, and also? I need major medication. I think the wine is having the opposite effect of what is required.
My goodness. I'm useless without this show. And yes, as a married mother of three, I realize that statement is completely infantile. BtVS came around at exactly the right time in my life. I needed things to talk about, thing to think about, that weren't my babies and husband. And I've been fortunate with the friends I've made in this fandom. There's not a bruised banana in the bunch. And I've talked, written and thought so much about serious and important things, and cream rinse, and pink leather pants, too.
t sniff
thw thing with Buffy saying I love you-- bear with ,me.. She was short on time and needed to get something through and that is what she felt in the moment.. I remember acting in a show, about to go on, snd the prop person was argueing with me about my prop... And all I could squeeze out of my mouth was "FUCK YOU " and grabbing the prop. Which is exactly what I meant in the moment, bot later on, if I had had more time and more words, I could have stated it better. That is how I see Buffy's "I love you:" She meant it exactly in that second, but 5 minutes later, she might have thought of a better way to express her emotions.
Except I've spaced on what SPB meant - damn! Back to the threads, ahoy!
Oh rutting duh! Sunnydale Party Bus!
Just stake me now, get it over with.
Thanks yoose all.
I still blame the booze, and society.
ETA - that was an x-post.
No really.
'night everyone. The Benadryl is kicking in. I'll catch up with y'all's comments in the morning.
PB, that Trogdor link is fucking hysterical.
Brenda, glad you liked it. I just had to share it. I couldn't believe they referenced strongbad email on the last show. Too too funny.