Actually, it occurs to me that there's probably a 5th group, who might provide some useful insight:
(5) People who watch SPN and use Boxed Set but who would like/be happy with a separate SPN thread.
That is, are there any SPN viewers who use Boxed Set but who DON'T feel like they're being shoved out and instead think that maybe an SPN thread could be a good thing?
I'd be interested in hearing from them.
I don't think that it is.
I may possibly be over-reacting.
And I was addressing Connie's post.
I know that you were, but I thought it would be okay to respond to your thoughts even though they weren't addressed to me. I apologize.
Of course it's okay, no need for apology, see over-reacting above. Also, see lack of lunch, above. Going to rectify that, right now.
I didn't pay attention to the discussion of creating a Heroes thread, because I wasn't watching the show at the time, but it (and Lost, maybe) seems to be a different case than Veronica Mars was. As far as I can recall, there was no in-depth discussion about creating that thread (although I could be, and often am, wrong).
Would that be because VM talk was in Natter at the time? I'm thinking this is a definitely a use-of-Boxed Set issue, rather than a single-thread-for-every-show issue.
No, I really did not intend to turn Light Bulbs into a porn thread when I got up this morning.
Not a bad plan.
There were SPN viewers above that posted a desire for an SPN thread. Um, but I'm not going to scroll back and see who they were again.
I think it's fair to say that something is not working, because quite a few pair of panties have gotten uncomfortable.
I don't think this is about Supernatural and Boxed Set, per se. I think it's about two things. One being that we still haven't solved how to combine fragmentation fear with TV watching. Two is this is our "shake out the sillies" moment. We get our panties in a bunch at semi-regular intervals to release our pent-up aggression at each other and craft long posts about why in the hell we're still all here anyway.
We get our panties in a bunch at semi-regular intervals to release our pent-up aggression at each other and craft long posts about why in the hell we're still all here anyway.
Yes, but it usually involves extended metaphors involving wagon trains and urban plumbing (sometimes with cocktails!).
That is, are there any SPN viewers who use Boxed Set but who DON'T feel like they're being shoved out and instead think that maybe an SPN thread could be a good thing?
I would too. One of my biggest problems with this whole thing is that it's seemed to me to have come out of someone saying essentially
"you all talk too much about a show I don't watch, so I don't think you should talk about it here anymore. Why don't you propose a new place for you to talk about it?"
It's grown since then, with a couple of people saying they might join in if there was a dedicated space if they have time, but the fact that this is how it started still bugs.
I am an SPN viewer who uses boxed set and would love an SPN thread and would still continue to use boxed set if we had one.
Roll call: SPN watcher, Boxed Set reader (for other than SPN), definitely fannish (about all and sundry, not just SPN).
I wouldn't bitch about having a thread just for SPN, as I would visit it often. I will continue to visit in Boxed Set regardless of where SPN goes or stays. I was a BS person since well before I watched SPN.
From how I understand Nutty's definitions of media-fannishness, I believe it will continue in BS for those who have those tendencies who watch shows that are discussed in BS, regardless of SPN's location.
If someone suggests that the volume of SPN posts merits its own thread, than we should have a vote upon that issue and let the masses decide. I as an SPN person hope that we did not bother a large number of people in BS with our flail. We just like our show. (Many of us like your shows too.)
Though I know that it seems to bring up the same issues over and over again, I appreciate that we try to hash out each proposal separately, because each new suggestion is a different animal. I understand that we may or may not be experiencing a shift in how people use/want to use our community, but trying to address the larger issue every single time we vote on a new thread seems to just make people cranky.
I love my board. I love you folks. I just wanna talk.
passes out daisies for everyone
Reposting from my earlier post cause I think it's worth discussing:
Maybe reaching a consensus on what that volume limit is would be helpful for future discussions? That would take it out of any personal realm and base it solely on a pre-stated volume estimate. Thoughts?
Also, I'm into SPN and BS and would use both threads (though I'd have to wait to catch up before diving into SPN).
ETA: I am not nor have I ever been annoyed by the SPN talk in BS - it belongs there. It was just enough volume (and the fact that I don't want to be spoiled) that it made using BS a little tough, so I stopped going. If SPN remains in BS, I'll not be upset. Just to clarify.