I'm pretty sure that Trudy was asking if the proposal only applied to *this* summer or if it would apply to all future changes to the regular cast that are announced at the beginning of summer. Wouldn't the answer be the second?
Nope. There has been considerable conversation that casting should be fair game period. Casting, official press releases, etc. If that's been discarded, cool.
I thought this was always about the cast list announced in what is now the upfronts, but before we were calling "listed on the website, or in official press releases" I never thought it applied to anything else.
I thought this was always about the cast list announced in what is now the upfronts, but before we were calling "listed on the website, or in official press releases" I never thought it applied to anything else.
Yeah, how the cast is announced for the fall season - main (opening) credits cast only. Just a loosening of what is an official promo.
Nope. There has been considerable conversation that casting should be fair game period. Casting, official press releases, etc. If that's been discarded, cool.
Actually, that was *never* being discussed AFAIK. Everyone has repeatedly said that mid-season casting changes, guest stars, etc, are still spoilers.
To be fair to Trudy, the original proposal did not limit itself to the summer break, but there was a quick consensus that it should. For the last two days I haven''t seen anyone post assuming that the final wording would include mid-season stuff.
I don't think there's been much (if any) serious suggestion that casting in general shouldn't be treated as spoilers on the board anymore. If I had to make a wild guess - always dangerous - I'd guess that Trudy's remembering some of the wider conversation we had about whether or not casting spoilers ought to be considered spoilers on a more philosophical level. You know, the arguments about whether it's spoilery to know that ASH is only doing ten episodes or whatever, that kind of thing.
That's fine, but I think we need to be clear that casting spoilers in general are to remain casting spoilers. This proposal only covers changes to the regular cast that are officially announced over the summer hiatus.
This proposal only covers changes to the regular cast that are officially announced over the summer hiatus.
That is my understanding. It is limited in scope. I would hazard that one reason for underlying resentment is that as a matter of courtesy the spoiled folks have conceded much much more territory already than the virgin-pure would be giving up within the scope of this proposal - but are treating as Custer's last stand.
Angel season five premiere is 10 weeks from Wednesday.
Just felt like sharing.