I didn't create the troll. I didn't date the troll. In fact I hate the troll. I helped deflate the troll-- All done.

Willow ,'Potential'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

JenP - Nov 15, 2023 12:03:40 pm PST #26834 of 30000

Matt and msbelle, I'm sorry. msbelle, I hope for best outcomes for your friend.

Amy! Oh, my goodness. Yeah, bubble wrap seems to be in order. (On Election Day, I fell walking out of my polling place - but only scraped my left palm and bruised that hip -- Matt wants me to start taking something to help with balance -- like Tai Chi, not, like, a balance pill, though I'd take it if it existed -- anyway, he's not wrong. I fall more than seems right; I just mostly bounce so far.)

Shir and Nilly -- always so close in my heart and mind.

Saturday is my niece's wedding in Philadelphia. Should be fun.

We're not doing jack for Thanksgiving this year on purpose. Four days off in a row with no travel is what I'm thankful for, and I'm sure Wegmans or Whole Foods or somewhere can prep me up a meal to bring home. I should probably get that ordered. I'm lucky in that I see my family a lot, so... it's all good.

Atropa - Nov 15, 2023 3:51:38 pm PST #26835 of 30000
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

Guess who won corporate suite tickets to Depeche Mode? The weird things I get via work are sometimes pretty awesome.

Steph L. - Nov 15, 2023 5:16:52 pm PST #26836 of 30000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Guess who won corporate suite tickets to Depeche Mode?

Right on!

DavidS - Nov 15, 2023 9:48:48 pm PST #26837 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

JZ's cousin, Nicole, visited us the last four days, coming in from Sacramento. Just as I knew I needed to bring my niece, Crystal, out to visit after my sister's death, I knew that Nicole needed San Francisco time.

Jacqueline and I had reached out to Nicole as a young weirdo nerd and offered her safe space in Freak city, trying to be a little beacon for her as she swam upstream eternally. Just a little life preserver, a buoy we could offer to her.

I knew she would take so much sustenance from just being in San Francisco and she did.

This afternoon I drove her to the Amtrak station in Emeryville to catch the Capitol Corridor train back to Sacto. I hadn't been in the East Bay for a bit.

I drove around after I dropped Nicole at the station. And I felt such waves of sadness washing over me.

Because so much of the first ten years of my marriage with Jacqueline was tied up in the East Bay.

I drove by her old apartment on Shattuck where we originally met at the Buffy S5 Finale party. The baseball fields in Albany where we'd spent so much time with Emmett's Little League. The exit to her father's house in Oakland, where we'd spent so many holidays, and where she'd taken Matilda for years.

The venue we looked at in downtown Berkeley for our reception before choosing something else. Most recently the Mike Birbiglia show we saw in Berkeley which was our official First Live Performance After The Pandemic.

None of that part of our lives had anything to do with her cancer or death. It was mostly ten years past, from when Emmett graduated from HS (2014).

I just felt these waves of loss and loss and loss washing over me. A descending sadness.

A lot of your life will happen in 20 years, and this was a ten year chunk I hadn't been back to since she'd died.

I missed her and I'm missing her.

When I miss her, I think "She's not here." But I don't think she's anywhere else. But she's definitely not here.

Beverly - Nov 16, 2023 12:10:45 am PST #26838 of 30000
Days shrink and grow cold, sunlight through leaves is my song. Winter is long.

Many hugs, David, and a bit of forehead touching, too. I know where you are, I see you.

Jen, I'm in PT mainly for balance. I don't need strength training, but I am a little off-balance now when walking. So we've been working on that, core training and so on. It's helping. I second Matt--balance is important.

I apologize for my absence, and everyone I missed personal congrolences and support, apologies as well. Words are hard sometimes.

I had a post-op checkup with my PCP on Tuesday (for which I'd had a whole skein of blood tests and a mammo and ultrasound beforehand so we could discuss). I've had my eyes and teeth checked twice each and the persistent headache persists so she sent me to X-ray for my neck. Aside from normal wear and tear, there's no obvious cause. It's a thing, it has been a thing, and looks like it will be a thing unless somebody comes up with a magic no-headache remedy. Today I had a therapist appt, in which we talked about some stuff. No resolutions, but I do feel better after. And tomorrow PT. I think next week is entirely clear of medical appointments. It seems like my whole social life is medical appointments. And as I said to my therapist as I sat in her office, "So, how've you been?"

JenP - Nov 16, 2023 6:54:18 am PST #26839 of 30000

David, words are failing me, but sending love and support from over here.

Beverly, so lovely to see you. PT for balance help -- I bet my doctor would support that. Thanks for sharing. Health and banishment of the headaches to you.

I've started with a new head therapist. He seems like we'll mesh. My first male therapist. Interesting!

Laura - Nov 16, 2023 7:43:02 am PST #26840 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.

Many hugs, David, and a bit of forehead touching, too. I know where you are, I see you.

This says what I feel. I wish it wasn't so hard, but it is.

Beverly, I hope a head solution is found. Also, balance is definitely something to work on. Neither the wobble nor the fall are any fun.

Wild and crazy night here. Gale-force winds blew down the street lights in front of the condo. They have them back up now, but not working yet. Several trucks out there although I wouldn't want to be on a lift truck in this wind. Brendon had to go out on the balcony at around midnight and drag in the furniture that had all blown into one corner before it took off. We were expecting 8" of rain from this blob of a storm, but no one mentioned that level of wind damage. Schools are all closed today. DH drove the dog to the park and said the city hadn't even made it to our end of the beach yet and A1A was covered with sand piles and palm fronds. Our storms are starting earlier in the year, lasting later, and are stronger. Not cool.

-t - Nov 16, 2023 8:50:36 am PST #26841 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

That's so great, Atropa!

I hear you, Hec. Those are big waves that get set off by the not-a-regular-part-of-current-life things


DavidS - Nov 16, 2023 9:14:33 am PST #26842 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Those are big waves that get set off by the not-a-regular-part-of-current-life things

That was it. I wrote about it because mostly I'm not sad. I'm carrying on. But it just kept coming in waves when I was in the East Bay because I could see the long arc of our marriage from a different perspective.

It's sunny again in SF and I shouldn't complain about it, but I really wish the cool Fall air would arrive and stay.

Off to run and then chip away at the tasks which have piled up while we had Nicole here.

erikaj - Nov 16, 2023 9:37:35 am PST #26843 of 30000
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Sometimes, since Matthew Perry passed recently also, I imagine that he and JZ are in an ATM vestibule somewhere. Because one of the first things we bonded over that wasn't about the group was that episode and how cute "gum would be perfection" is. I imagine she'd have many thoughts about the word "vestibule" too. (Not saying that's true in any way. I just like to picture it.)