Friends, I'm sorry I've been so absent lately. I have been reading and sending virtual hugs and positive wishes; I've just been operating in overwhelm. My troubles are minuscule compared to war and loss of life, of course.
I am in a similar state, and my thoughts of love and support for everyone haven't been making it to they keyboard.
Dammit, now I want a grilled cheese. Which I don't have time for, because in 30 minutes I return to seeing Butch the personal trainer. It's been a month since my last appointment, and I am NOT looking forward to this.
I made focaccia. I bet it would be good in a grilled cheese.
I had a grilled goat cheese, apple, and bacon sandwich for lunch!
I had grilled cheese for breakfast yesterday
I have muenster cheese in the fridge and now I'm thinking about grilled cheese. Although I don't know if I have any bread (not out of any Carbs Bad! reason; part of me just thinks I may have run out and not bought more). Must check.
Important update: I had enough bread for a grilled cheese! I sliced up the muenster and Tim got out the sourdough rye he got at the farmer's market, and grilled cheesiness is about to happen! I want a grilled cheese.
Timelies all!
I had today off and spent it pretty quietly. Did some laundry at the house, took a nap and spoke to Mr. S on the phone. He’s in a behavioral unit of a hospital about an hour away.
The Buffista Retreat sounds good.
Ever since I learned about grilled kim-cheese, that's all I'm making. Delish!
I found the answer to "where do you get hugs and meet friends now". The answer is funerals and memorials.
Shir, I'm so, so sorry.
I know I've missed some important things, but, essentially, this place is always in my mind and in my heart.
Same, and also with not having spoons to post. It’s validating and also very sad to see so many folks feel the same. I feel like I am out of sync with pretty much everyone.
My boss and I ran out of patience with each other at the same time on Weds and I got sent home until Monday. I “wasn’t needed on site” and there was “no shop work”. I know the company is at a very critical position financially but, uh, so am I. R still doesn’t know when they will get paid, or how much exactly it will be. So losing half a week’s pay right now is very not good.
I have a hard time asking for what I need without sounding like an asshole, apparently, and then it all builds up until I explode. And I feel like I’m not allowed to be angry. Not allowed to have specific needs. Just have to accept whatever help and support other people want to give me. Even if it isn’t effective or wanted or actually reduces my agency.
Well shit. When I start I can’t stop.
Today is my mentor’s memorial. It’s being called an After Party and there will be a waffle bar in addition to shrimp boil and hamburger’s hot dogs. I got asked to clean up the hosting yard. Three hours, about 10 lbs of dog shit, scrubbed chairs and tables and raked the whole damn thing. And I kept trying to feel the joy of service, and I don’t generally mind dirty jobs, but all I could feel is rage. I have been simmering with rage for weeks.
Dammit. Again, I was not trying to go that deep.
I think I have hit my limit on this year’s bullshit. I just am done with everything.
IOW, I would also like to attend a Buffista retreat. God I wish I had money for a real spa vacation.