Sorry all that I kept mine upstairs! My offspring hates when I show visible emotion, though. It's an eighteen thing, probably.
All the stupid things I keep thinking, for the record, include "I will make sure to drink fruit punch for JZ, even though I am neutral on it and have no idea her feelings on the subject."
But I am also the person who wore a shirt of ita's to Black Panther and bought a towel for my friend Jesse's 42nd birthday (though he died a few years before that milestone) that I still use in his honor. Occasional fruit punch for Jaqueline seems appropriate, though perhaps I will stretch the definition to mean "mai tai or other tiki drink."
Also, Arthur is my dad's middle name, and my dad's pretty cool.
Welcome to the world Arthur! It is exactly the right time for you!
One of the very few things that helped me not to flail yelingly at my mom yesterday during our one hour tech support phone call to help her to get through the anxiety she had about the task of copying 5 links and send them via email was remembering JZ's love to the world and most of its inhabitants.
Not proud at my lack of patience with her at times, but after over 40 minutes of guided instruction via TeamViewer most of her anxiety was gone and she realized once again that she can actually do this on her own pretty intuitively. This is a reoccurring theme.
So yeah, remembering JZ helped with finding patience in this call.
So glad JZ is surrounded by such love.
But I am also the person who wore a shirt of ita's to Black Panther and bought a towel for my friend Jesse's 42nd birthday (though he died a few years before that milestone) that I still use in his honor. Occasional fruit punch for Jaqueline seems appropriate, though perhaps I will stretch the definition to mean "mai tai or other tiki drink.
That's lovely, and I think expanding to mai tais and the like is emminently appropriate.
Hello new person!
Last night I had an intense anxiety dream where I was freaking out because I left my camera on the subway, and it was gone. And then I lay awake chastising myself: This is how my brain processes grief and loss? It seems shallow and selfish to reduce Jacqueline to an object like that.
Tom, I don't read that dream as equating Jacqueline with an object. Not at all. Dreams tend to use tangible objects to represent the underlying intangible emotion. At least, they definitely do for me. And honestly, the camera is what you use to share your creativity and artistic eye with the world, and those are things you certainly have in common with Jacqueline (not the camera, but the creativity and artistic eye). So it makes sense to me, and isn't shallow and selfish at all.
We have an occupational therapist coming to the house today in about an hour, to see what Tim needs help with. I really think they'll be pleasantly surprised at his progress. We have basically all the assistive devices he needs, and he uses them just fine. On the other hand, I'm sure the OT knows all kinds of stuff that we don't know (since it's their job), and maybe they'll have some useful tips for Tim. I just don't foresee the OT coming to the house repeatedly, like the PT.
Tom, I don't read that dream as equating Jacqueline with an object. Not at all. Dreams tend to use tangible objects to represent the underlying intangible emotion. At least, they definitely do for me. And honestly, the camera is what you use to share your creativity and artistic eye with the world, and those are things you certainly have in common with Jacqueline (not the camera, but the creativity and artistic eye). So it makes sense to me, and isn't shallow and selfish at all.
Steph is, as always, wise.
Jung said that everyone and everything in our dreams is an extension of ourselves. In this case, your camera, might, as Steph says, be about communicating your creativity and artistry on an even deeper level than the physical mechanism and product. (photos capturing actual snapshots in time)
The pain of losing the ability to communicate with Jacqueline in that way is hard on all our hearts, in many variations.
I have never seen you be a reductive thinker Tom, so I wonder if imagining the joy your camera might find on adventures you can't see is possible.
Separately: Yay for Tim agency!