The first time she took it at the minute clinic it was super high and the second time it was around 120 something so I need to follow up on that.
It's pretty common for the first blood pressure reading to be high and then subsequent readings to be better (it happens to me 100% of the time at the doctor's office). Definitely worth following up on, though.
Today is M's birthday and I have had no idea what to get him .. and I've been tired
I think having a UTI/almost kidney infection qualifies for a rain check for belated birthday celebration.
Yeah my blood pressure is always high on the first reading. Or has been for the past 5 or 6 years. Doctor appointments especially the urology ones are still a pretty active PTSD trigger for me . I think the first reading was around 140 ish...and it has been getting higher.
I used to have blood pressure around 114 whatever at the drs office .
And I was scheduled to work so we were going to do sushi today so we will still do that tomorrow.
I know I've only had one full day of antibiotics and I know this is a bad uti but I am so tired. Not sleepy just tired. And my period started.
Work called and they shifted our shifts so I won't be working until 11. I already tried to take a nap but I can't sleep and yesterday I slept for hours , felt better and then got tired again. I have tomorrow off so maybe Thursday ill feel better
I’m glad you’re starting to feel better, askye. Hate UTIs. Glad it didn’t get to your kidneys.
I will try to be present here more. I love you all, my chosen family.
{{WindSparrow}} Virtual tackle hugs.
Hi eirkaj!
I'd have much more to say, but I just finished swimming and am starving so dinner prep must happen.
Hey, erika.
Hey MM.
Safe snuggles with Laura.