Yeah my blood pressure is always high on the first reading. Or has been for the past 5 or 6 years. Doctor appointments especially the urology ones are still a pretty active PTSD trigger for me . I think the first reading was around 140 ish...and it has been getting higher.
I used to have blood pressure around 114 whatever at the drs office .
And I was scheduled to work so we were going to do sushi today so we will still do that tomorrow.
I know I've only had one full day of antibiotics and I know this is a bad uti but I am so tired. Not sleepy just tired. And my period started.
Work called and they shifted our shifts so I won't be working until 11. I already tried to take a nap but I can't sleep and yesterday I slept for hours , felt better and then got tired again. I have tomorrow off so maybe Thursday ill feel better
I’m glad you’re starting to feel better, askye. Hate UTIs. Glad it didn’t get to your kidneys.
I will try to be present here more. I love you all, my chosen family.
{{WindSparrow}} Virtual tackle hugs.
Hi eirkaj!
I'd have much more to say, but I just finished swimming and am starving so dinner prep must happen.
Hey, erika.
Hey MM.
Safe snuggles with Laura.
Hi, WindSparrow, MM, erikaj, good to see you all.
askye, no wonder you're tired! UTIs are hard on a body. Rest and take care.
My blood pressure at the doctor's office yesterday was 116/80 which is amazing, it's usually around 130/95. Also, my A1c was 7.9 and my cholesterol dropped by 70 points. I was expecting my numbers to be much worse given how I haven't been taking care of myself lately. I can't explain this anomaly. I'd think my doppelganger gave the blood but I still have the bruise, so the only explanation is the lab switched my blood work with a healthier person.