I need cat advice.
Scrappy the Cat keeps attacking Penny. He literally just lept off the couch, attacking Penny and chasing her under the recliner. Which was hard for her to get under. Then he ran off but came back to swat at her when she tried to get out.
Earlier today I had them on the bed with me one on one side and one on the other and it was ok.
And now he chased her up the cat tree.
He isn't always like this and I'm not sure how to handle this. I'm not sure if he just wants to play and Penny takes it as an attack or if he is actually being aggressive.
Scrappy is younger? He may want to play more/rougher than she does. He may need an another outlet for his energy. Maybe try engaging him with a toy when that happens or if you notice he's looking restless.
Yeah he is about 11 months old. We have been playing with him . With all the costs but obviously not enough. I've been running Jim around with the laser pointer
I had two cats who didn't get along. Sometimes I'd separate them by exiling one to the spare bedroom for a few hours.
Don't worry: there was food, water, a litter box and a window to look out. The shy cat was relieved for some quiet time, and the aggressive one quickly got lonely. They never liked each other, but learned to mostly ignore their annoying sister cat.
I did similar when we adopted a rambunctious male kitten - our 12 year old lady cat had a similar problem. I ended up just designating my room as her safe space, and he just wasn't allowed in there.
My sister had a similar issue - she had an older cat who had been declawed, only had three teeth and was blind in one eye. She adopted a young, larger male cat who basically beat up on the old cat. He died young and she adopted another cat, one who'd been a pet, then was feral, then captured and sort-of socialized, who did much the same. I don't think she ever came up with a way to protect the old cat.
Murderbiscuit really wanted to play with Slinky, who was 20 or 21 when we adopted him. Slinky would have none of it, and if we didn't intervene, she was determined to teach him a painful lesson.
I was once talking to some neighbors who have dogs and one commented about her dog's boundaries, to which I asked "Boundaries?" in amazement. Then mentioned I'd grown up with cats who not only had boundaries, but were quite capable of enforcing them.
When you're walking down the hall at work and hear two lawyer colleagues discussing masks that restrict breathing and you do a double take before you realize they're talking about altitude training, not breath play.
Penny is 7 so not elderly but not a kitten. She is also a pudgy out of shape cat. She got back in shape when she was allowed outside when I was living with mom but I don't want to do that here. So she could use some exercise too.
I think we have to up the laser pointer play that seems to really work him out. And also find all the toys that have rolled under furniture so there is stuff to play with.
We were doing this thing where we would close one cat in at night with us so they have some one on one time with us.
There is also Duchess , Matthew's cat, who is almost 3. She is a tiny thing and sometimes Scrappy will chase after her but not as often. Occasionally she'll go after Penny or Scrappy but not as much.
I think we should have been a bit slower in introducing them .