Laura, Steph, you both have gone so far above and beyond.
Laura, are you familiar with Totten trusts (also called Payable On Death accounts)? You can put your son's money in a separate bank account in the name of "Laura in trust for Son" or "Laura POD Son." Son can't get to the funds now, but the funds go to him if, God forbid, anything happens to you.
I do need to look into that kind of thing, thanks Fred.
He is on my couch, at the moment. ~ma for another couch soon.
Or you can make someone else The executor of the trust if God forbid something happened to you and you don't trust him to handle the money. You can even make a lawyer the executor.
True. The advantage of a Totten trust/POD account is that it's easy to set up -- you open a checking or savings account in the usual way. The only difference is, instead of making yourself the account holder, you make yourself the account holder in trust for someone else. No expense of setting up the trust or paying a trustee -- on the other hand, if something goes wrong, you do have that neutral third party to step in.
I hope that this will spark some kind of self reflection in FauxSon.
I have 2 days off. I went to see M. Mom is supposed to go to Florida tomorrow. She is waiting because of the weather. I was planning on goinf back to Brevard in timr for work Thursday but now i think that was a mistake. And at least one news said icy roads on Thursday.
So maybe some weather~ma for us. This morning when I checked the weather it was expected less tvan an inch. Now there is prediction of up to 4 inches.
Also Thursday starts inventory and it's mamdatory. Like unless you are contagious you come in mandatory.
I'm shaking my head over the people whi struggle to learn/accept consequences.
askye, stay safe.
I went in for my first mamogram today. I procrastinated by years, but better late than never. Also had blood drawn for labs. My routine physical in on Thursday. Blech.
ION, remember Kendra? Here she is at the NAACP awards last night [link]
Dear Harvey, Please to watch where you step, some of my bits are tender now.
Dear Heavens, you have shone down favor on Kendra. Thank you for allowing us mere mortals to bask in her lovely permanent youth.
I am terrible about the boob smash. I did one at 50 and one at 60. We'll see at 70.
ION, remember Kendra?
What spell is this?