Same reason he writes everything about his accomplishments in third person. I think he thinks it makes him seem witty or some such bullshit.
I think that's a carry-over from old Facebook. It used to force you to start every post with "[your name] is", and some people would continue the sentence in third person. They got rid of that at least ten years ago, but he kept on phrasing things that way.
I think that was way back in the day, when Facebook was just a thing for college kids, and you had to have a valid .edu email address to join.
I think it's because he's always looking at himself in the mirror of what he (hopes he) looks like to other people
No, it persisted for a while. I get memories that pop up that way.
eta that was in reply to Hil
I'm not more intuitive than anyone else, I'm just quick to judge and can be pretty mean.
This whole incident, ironically, makes me appreciate ita's abilities, and the fact that sometimes? She kind of smacked me back about sloppy thinking or whatever, but she did it without making me feel small.
This. When ita and I would occasionally argue about board stuff, very much not seeing eye to eye, but never with any animus in the arguments. She was so great at defusing what could be tense situations, and as Erica notes, without making one feel bad about the process.
It is terrible that really I just want to be done thinking about him? For now anyway
I'm in the same boat, Burrell. Like ban the jackanape and let's pretend he doesn't exist.
I'm getting angrier about the whole thing the more I think about it. How many people fucking took the time to clue him in, and he wants to use one of the single defining moments in our history to further his career? I want ita and Ginger back so they can both tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine.
Reading it all laid out in text, it feels a bit stalkery? The validation and the whole camera focus in particular.
I remember seeing this pop up at the time and the reaction to it, which was overwhelming support for him and his loss.
It's weird because I had very similar feelings for ita. When I saw her at the PixDesigns wedding I was too scared to go up and introduce myself. So that piece didn't ping me when I first read it but it does now.