It's weird because I had very similar feelings for ita. When I saw her at the PixDesigns wedding I was too scared to go up and introduce myself. So that piece didn't ping me when I first read it but it does now.
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
She was so great at defusing what could be tense situations, and as Erica notes, without making one feel bad about the process.
My interactions with ita both on the board and in person were always gentle and laid back. The first time she jumped on me challenging me on some off hand statement I made in a post, it terrified me, but made me think before I hit post in the future. I miss her. A lot.
Dude, I *still* feel the ita-wrath of quite a few of my idiot comments and opinions from back in the day that she called me out on. It makes me smile when I do.
When I think of ita, I remember dancing with her at Girlbar and her doing security at Allyson's LA event. It was pre-illness and she was so strong and healthy and ass-kickingly cool (duh). My heart aches that she is gone.
She really had a way of expressing "are you sure you've thought that opinion all the way through?" in a manner that made you rethink without diminishing you. I admired that very much.
Also, been catching up in this thread and gargled coffee at "hoo-ha leech babies!" I'm pretty untrusting about clicking on links. Maybe I should live a little.
She really had a way of expressing "are you sure you've thought that opinion all the way through?" in a manner that made you rethink without diminishing you. I admired that very much.
Lord, yes. Even when I was annoyed because I just wanted to vent and not think about something critically. Which, of course, was when I needed to be checked.
dancing with her at Girlbar
OMG so much fun.
She really had a way of expressing "are you sure you've thought that opinion all the way through?" in a manner that made you rethink without diminishing you. I admired that very much.
Amen to that. I wish I could remain that calm and reasonable when questioning what other people say. It was a gift.
When I think of ita, I remember dancing with her at Girlbar and her doing security at Allyson's LA event.
I can never see Djimon Hounsou without thinking of her because of the W&H event. (Given that he's in one of the movies I rewatch most frequently, well.)
Cereal: also, I frequently think of things she used to link to--not the freaky, creepy things, but shit like that one garnet set she linked to drooling over back in '02. Part of me has always kept an eye out, when doing my online window shopping, for similar pieces. It's reflex at this point.