I have heard from a couple of former co-workers at the last job that management is making it clear that Weird People need to tone it down. The blue-dreadlocked, Burning Man-attending IT lead who could perform miracles had it suggested that they start buying khakis and polo shirts. She's cheerfully given her 2 week notice.
They're also down two more writers since I fled. Oh, the schadenfreude I am embracing! Especially since my new boss has called me
"a major talent upgrade".
Jilli, embrace away! You are a fucking rock star.
Wait, new boss?? When did that happen?
Sorry to be a Debby Downer, but I am really struggling with this...like, it's the biggest life change I would ever make, and it's not a choice I would make of my own violition.
You are not a Debby Downer about this! It's an enormous life change, and it's like...shit, you mean those wedding vows were FOR REAL? Fuck, man.
I think (FWIW) that at this point you don't need to think about reinventing yourself or recapturing your former self, or anything like that. That's long-range. Or medium-range. But at this point, you need to take care of yourself to get through this. Self-actualization can come later.
my new boss has called me "a major talent upgrade".
Not to mention a huge style upgrade.
Tep is wise.
Also (just for lulz), the ex -- when told that D AND ME had discussed the move, and we were both agreed on it -- her response was "What -- BOTH of you would move?!"
WTFF? I'm supposed to divorce my awesome husband because he loves his kid so much he'll move cross-country because he's a great, engaged father?! Don't judge me by your "run when things get hard" yardstick, babe. Just because it's hard, I don't bail. I may be a hot mess right now, but I'm a FIGHTING hot mess.
"What -- BOTH of you would move?!"
But--that doesn't fit in with her grand plan to drag D back into her clutches!
"What -- BOTH of you would move?!"
Is she *just* malicious, or also a huge dipshit? Because I'm sensing the latter.
It's totally a big thing you are doing, Strix, and feeling anxious, terrified, etc. is totally natural. Let yourself have those feelings, it's okay. Glad you have the therapist to go to!
"What -- BOTH of you would move?!"
HAHAHAHA people are so weird.