I interviewed an applicant once that amongst other things, showed up with colour copies of all her certifications. Between that approach and her general tenor, I recommended against hiring her.
I was overridden (common at that job) and she didn't last a month. I even told her in the interview she wasn't a good fit.
Ah, well.
Later she threatened to sue because we wouldn't lie about how long she'd worked with us.
Starting with the good thoughts a little early, in case I forget.
I"m trying to taper off the way-too-much amount of coffee I have been drinking without falling into Caffeine Withdrawal Headache Hell. It's challenging.
People are a mess. A colleague just told me she had interviewed one of our interns for an entry-level job, and it was going well...until the intern said she preferred to have lateral relationships at work vs. hierarchical, and didn't want to just take on everyone's scut work. Yeah, no. She would be the lowest position in the department, and assigned tasks accordingly!
Wow, Jesse.
I need to remember this stuff whenever I'm feeling like a failboat.
I'm assuming you're keeping the weapons, Connie. They sounded...communal.
All metal swords are staying with me for now, his personal blade, my personal blade, a couple of others that have been with us for a while. SCA weapons are being broken down to still useful bits and being sold on for further use. I'll keep the helmet and breast plate he had in the picture I posted, but the rest of it should move on and get used.
Well, if she really didn't want a position like that, I guess that worked, then.
Well, if she really didn't want a position like that, I guess that worked, then.
True fact! Of course, as a recent college grad, I'm not 100% sure what else she's going to find...
Meanwhile, I'm working on my own self-assessment and feedback on my boss. Luckily, my boss is out next week, so I don't actually have to have the self-assessment done by today (the actual due date), but I am STUCK on what to do with the question about my boss's areas for improvement. I feel like I should say something, but it's such a minefield.
Yeah, that's tricky. Say something you like and say they should do more of that?
So D had a phone interview last night for that InfoSec job at the casino. It was a screening interview, but it seemed to go really well, and he's superqualified for it (the interviewer started out with "Er, did you READ the job description?" because apparently they've gotten quite a lot of applicants who were interested in "getting into Security" -- which, this would be basically a job for being in total charge of all the IS at a multi-million dollar casino...um, no.)
He's really excited about this job. I, OTOH, got a script for Valium from my doc yesterday based on how much anxiety I have about this whole moving to PA thing.
One of my hippie-dippie friends, bless her optimistic little heart, told me I should try to look at this as an opportunity to reinvent myself. I love her, but all I could think of was "I don't want to REINVENT myself. I would like to recapture my former badassness, and I don't see how removing myself from all I know and love while suffering crippling anxiety and depression while moving to close forced proximity and interaction with the person I despise most in the world could POSSIBLY make me reinvent myself into anything but an axe murderer."
Why, yes, I am making an appointment with my therapist. I KNOW there are positives to this -- D making a CRAZY jump in salary (I am so, so tired of being we-don't have-food-for-four-days-until-payday poor), there are crazy-awesome Buffistas in PA and in NYC whom I could visit, my husband would be wildly happy to HAVE HIS SON FINALLY for more than a combo of 4 weeks a year...but there are a fuckton of really big cons, too, and I can't yet quite get past those.
Sorry to be a Debby Downer, but I am really struggling with this...like, it's the biggest life change I would ever make, and it's not a choice I would make of my own violition.