Oh my god this woman I am with is driving me up a wall. She's awful, but not in a way I can report to my boss. Aaaaagh I hate being stuck with her for three full days!!!!!
Also: lady, I get that when we I treat with different people each day and some are in scrubs and some in suits, appropriate dress is a fine line. But hiking boots are NOT IT. if you need support there are nice flats out there. You don't work at REI don't dress like it.
My cousin and his girlfriend just found out the sex of the baby: it's a boy. I am so excited for them, but I'm also a bit sad that I will probably never experience that.
I have a good life, and I need to appreciate it.
Mixed emotions are totally understandable, Maria.
Mixed emotions make us human. You can be happy for them and have it be a little sad for you at the same time, Maria.
But hiking boots are NOT IT. if you need support there are nice flats out there.
Oh dear lord, no. I can't wear heels any longer but there are totally flats out there that are appropriate for all situations. Find them. Wear them.
I feel that way, like, constantly, Maria. And I'm not grieving a fresh loss.
I'm beginning to suspect it will always suck at least a little, Maria.
Mixed emotions make us human. You can be happy for them and have it be a little sad for you at the same time, Maria.
Yes, this. Many hugs for you.
Hugs, Maria. Mixed emotions are totally natural, and the mix will shift over time.
{{{{{Maria}}}}} What everyone else said.