I didn't mean to get up early, but it was once again time for the semi-annual vacuuming out the vacuums at the car wash across the street. The beep-beep back-up noise along with the incessant hum of hovering had me up and out of the door by 7am.
Now I'm at work and I have to pack up my desk cause we are moving from the 1st floor to the 4th floor on Friday. In chatting with a co-worked I learned that the latest rumor is that we will be on the 4th floor for a couple of months and then move to a different building while they remodel the 4th floor into open plan cubicles. The experiment with the open plan cubicles on other floors of our campus has not gone well and it boggles that they are continuing the renovations.
you aren't ready for this.
at all.
Gosling and Clooney:
you aren't ready for this.
::dies:: (Oh, look. I'm my own notifier. How... sad.)
sumi, that must be it.
le nubian - thank you. I needed a pickup and Gosling/Clooney was juuuust right. Having a stupid day, starting with oversleeping my alarm by two hours. WTF???
That there is a whole lot of pretty.
Love Gosling's suit.
I had no idea Demi kicked Ashton out! I'm actually surprised.
The older Clooney gets, the more he looks like my grandfather did at that age. Especially the way he's going gray.
Category—Headlines that are accurate, yet still misleading:
Cantaloupe outbreak is deadliest in a decade
My vision: herds of rogue cantaloupes rolling over the country side, devouring all in their path.
The reality: a listeria outbreak that has killed 13 people so far.
I like my version better.