ita, natter:
We must counter pernicious mansplaining with a grandiose vagenda.
This thread is for Buffista quotage. Posts that are profound, witty, or otherwise deserving of immortality go here. This is also Shrift's source for the BRQG, so be aware that if your words end up here, they'll also end up there. Finally, please note which thread spawned the quotage and please white-out anything that might be spoilery to Un-Americans.
ita, natter:
We must counter pernicious mansplaining with a grandiose vagenda.
billytea: Apparently for some reason, "Stop fiddling with it!" is a harder message to get across to male investors.
Jessica: As the mother of a 3 year-old boy, I could make a few guesses...
Cass in Bitches:
A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend. A vague caveat makes me worry about liability.
We must counter pernicious mansplaining with a grandiose vagenda.
This needs to be on mugs and T-shirts. Perhaps in a series with "Just eat a muffin whitey!"
I would buy both of those.
Amy in Supernatural setting faux fans straight:
But I judge anyone who doesn't want to watch straight through from the beginning. Earn your fan status, people.
In Natter, a convo on Top Gear:
Kathy A: Second fave was probably the "drive from Switzerland to Blackpool on one tank of gas" challenge. Did James ever make it at all?
Cass: They all made it. I have no idea how.
Someone must have been replaced their gas tanks with menorahs.
In Natter, Matt the Bruins fan responds to report of an ant invasion:
Matt: If bugs want to live in my space, they need to learn to make themselves cuter. You don't see me reaching for the pesticides or swatters if kittens find their way inside.
Ginger, in Bitches:
A ball in the box is worth two in the bush?
I once tried to win a real-life political argument on Daily Kos using nothing but Homicide quotes...for me, I suppose, it's never off-topic. The scary part was that I almost succeeded. Like Hardison, I couldn't resist a dramatic flourish at the end and overplayed.