Early: So is it still her room when it's empty? Does the room, the thing, have purpose? Or do we -- what's the word? Simon: I really can't help you. Early: The plan is to take your sister. Get the reward, which is substantial. 'Imbue.' That's the word.

'Objects In Space'

Coffee On My Monitor Again

This thread is for Buffista quotage. Posts that are profound, witty, or otherwise deserving of immortality go here. This is also Shrift's source for the BRQG, so be aware that if your words end up here, they'll also end up there. Finally, please note which thread spawned the quotage and please white-out anything that might be spoilery to Un-Americans.

Cashmere - Nov 19, 2010 6:30:40 am PST #563 of 1328
Now tagless for your comfort.

In Natter:


In conclusion, let me say that there is a fish that lives off the California coast called the sarcastic fringehead.


Is this just another name for hipster douchebags in the Mission?

Spidra Webster - Nov 20, 2010 7:20:17 am PST #564 of 1328
I wish I could just go somewhere to get flensed but none of the whaling ships near me take Medicare.

In Natter:

Consuela: I saw HPVII-PartI today (there ought to be a better acronym: HPDHI?)

Cass: Preferably one that doesn't make me want to encourage young women to get their Gardisil vaccinations.

Cashmere - Nov 23, 2010 4:22:41 pm PST #565 of 1328
Now tagless for your comfort.

Thanksgiving Natter:

Matt the Bruins Fan:

Coincidentally, my local news is doing a story on turkey fryer fires tonight. From the preview footage, some people may be attempting to fry them in napalm.


Yeah, but they taste like...victory.

Toddson - Nov 24, 2010 9:11:12 am PST #566 of 1328
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

Calli, in Bitches:

At first I thought someone was attempting to attract Adam Savage with candle light and wine. Or carefully set up explosions and wine.

Pix - Nov 24, 2010 1:55:19 pm PST #567 of 1328
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie

msbelle in Natter:

I have two invoices from MF Global. That's right MF. Just made my day, mf invoices from mf global in my mf inbox.

smonster - Nov 28, 2010 5:14:41 am PST #568 of 1328
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

Shir in Bitches:

T'was Sunday, and the motivation was nowhere to be primmed
All mimsy was the student
Coffee coffee coffee

Steph L. - Nov 28, 2010 6:25:37 pm PST #569 of 1328
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

In Movies --

Dana: Uh, we're watching Alice in Wonderland, and Johnny Depp just started breakdancing?

Perkins: That's what happens when you taunt us about meals with Nora and Tom

Dana: I am so deeply sorry.

DavidS - Nov 29, 2010 7:13:51 am PST #570 of 1328
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

msbelle in Natter, writing lisah's vows for her:

Chicago Bob, As I sat to write these vows I was overcome with emotion, or perhaps it was gas, but the point is, I was feeling a little bloated. First things first, let's all just acknowledge that I am a sexy bitch and you are lucky as hell to spend the rest of your days with me. People, am I right? OK, now that that is out of the way, You, you are...wait, I had the stuff about you here somewhere (fumble with paper)....I swear, I really wrote some topnotch schmaltz. Well, um, off the top of my head: A is for Awesome, which you are; B is for Bob, your name, duh; C is for Chicago, where there is a lovely condo for sale if anyone is interested;.........

Nora Deirdre - Nov 30, 2010 12:01:30 pm PST #571 of 1328
I’m responsible for my own happiness? I can’t even be responsible for my own breakfast! (Bojack Horseman)

flea: Watch out, David. You could be a mere shirt away from being arrested on Cops.

DavisS: I frequently wear two shirts just to stay under their radar.

Matt the Bruins fan - Dec 01, 2010 5:48:28 am PST #572 of 1328
"I remember when they eventually introduced that drug kingpin who murdered people and smuggled drugs inside snakes and I was like 'Finally. A normal person.'” —RahvinDragand

In Buffy and Angel 1, regarding Eve and her memorableness or lack thereof:

Polter-Cow: I remembered her. But I thought she was pretty.

Cass: I remembered her too. She was the bad casting and writing that was wrapped around a naked Lindsey. She obscured some of the tattoos.