Gunn: We open a can of Machiavelli on his ass. Harmony: It's Matchabelli, Einstein, and it doesn't come in a can.

'Soul Purpose'

Coffee On My Monitor Again

This thread is for Buffista quotage. Posts that are profound, witty, or otherwise deserving of immortality go here. This is also Shrift's source for the BRQG, so be aware that if your words end up here, they'll also end up there. Finally, please note which thread spawned the quotage and please white-out anything that might be spoilery to Un-Americans.

Jessica - Feb 01, 2010 5:12:29 am PST #363 of 1328
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

Jesse clears things up (Natter):

Anyway, frig and fridge are not pronounced the same way, and only one of them is an abbreviation for refrigerator.

smonster - Feb 01, 2010 10:57:11 am PST #364 of 1328
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

ita takes a brave stand, in Natter:

I vote for more infants with brains.

javachik - Feb 01, 2010 4:08:31 pm PST #365 of 1328
Our wings are not tired.

Dana, on Lady Gaga and her Grammy bits:

If you click on it, you get a bigger version. And you are then legally married to Lady Gaga in twenty-three states.

libkitty - Feb 01, 2010 5:23:48 pm PST #366 of 1328
Embrace the idea that we are the leaders we've been looking for. Grace Lee Boggs

Jessica - Feb 01, 2010 5:43:59 pm PST #367 of 1328
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

(Since I didn't get explicit permission to repost that, I'd appreciate if it didn't make it into the BRQG.)

libkitty - Feb 01, 2010 5:49:53 pm PST #368 of 1328
Embrace the idea that we are the leaders we've been looking for. Grace Lee Boggs

Sorry Jessica. It's gone.

Trudy Booth - Feb 03, 2010 9:04:03 pm PST #369 of 1328
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

PixKristin: Vortex and Drew and their limes scare me. At the last F2F, Drew could barely fit any alcohol in his glass because of the limes (which is, I guess, one way to know it's time to stop).

billytea: Well, yeah. You have to draw a lime somewhere

Trudy Booth - Feb 03, 2010 9:42:13 pm PST #370 of 1328
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

Dana: ...Also, the Saints are in the Super Bowl.

Polter-Cow: I believe you mean The Big Game.

Aims: Dana, I'm going to have to ask you to not use the name Saints becuse it belongs to the NFL.

Dana: You can't see me, but I'm thinking of a fleur-de-lis right now.

tommyrot: I'm going to have to ask you to not use the name Saints becuse it belongs to the NFL.

You shouldn't used "NFL" either. Or football. Just say, "That league of that one sport."

Jesse: You mean the NFL(TM)(R)(C), right?

tommyrot: Yes.


You can't see me, but I'm thinking of a fleur-de-lis right now.

You are angering the country where they speak the language of love. And make cheese.

megan walker: And surrender. Don't forget the surrendering.

Aims: Or the wine.


Just say, "That league of that one sport."

Justice is not a sport, tommyrot.

ChiKat - Feb 04, 2010 11:03:51 am PST #371 of 1328
That man was going to shank me. Over an omelette. Two eggs and a slice of government cheese. Is that what my life is worth?

In Natter...

Liese S.: My phone's ringtone is a ring. Like ones telephones make. Because it's a phone. And it's ringing. All I want to know is that someone is calling me. I don't want to suddenly be treated to a rendition of any music. I just want to be notified, so I can pick up the phone and say, "Hello?" in an irritated voice.

smonster - Feb 05, 2010 10:35:43 am PST #372 of 1328
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

Microfiber can do anything, in Natter:

DavidS: Wow, if Gene Roddenberry knew about microfiber cloths we'd never have to hear about reversing the polarity and tachyon fields for his technobabble plot solutions.

"Captain! We can't do Warp 43!" "Wrap the dilithium crystal in microfiber cloth and punch it!"

Tom Scola: They make you say "WOW!" every time!

DavidS: Funny, you don't look wow-ish.

ita: Can you wrap reality in microfiber and punch it too?