In Natter, Teppy answering a question about a quote from a children's book:
Steph: The Little Red Hen (or, as you may like to call it after you read it, Fuck Alla Y'all): [link].
'Get It Done'
This thread is for Buffista quotage. Posts that are profound, witty, or otherwise deserving of immortality go here. This is also Shrift's source for the BRQG, so be aware that if your words end up here, they'll also end up there. Finally, please note which thread spawned the quotage and please white-out anything that might be spoilery to Un-Americans.
In Natter, Teppy answering a question about a quote from a children's book:
Steph: The Little Red Hen (or, as you may like to call it after you read it, Fuck Alla Y'all): [link].
In F2F thread, Matt The Bruins Fan gives opinion on mansion idea with 4+ sharing a bedroom:
I am only OK with 4+ to a room if there's something very scary outside the room trying to get in.
In Natter:
DavidS: Just dropped Matilda off at her second camp of the summer. First she did a week and a half of Camp Tofu.
Steph: What does Camp Tofu entail? (I hope the answer involves really good pad thai.)
Gud: I assume you go out into nature and absorb the flavors.
In Natter: who needs stinking context?
Matt the Bruins Fan: When dealing with the TSA and boarding agents at an airport I can certainly understand the urge to murder people in grisly fashion before taking off in flight, so perhaps the metaphor is still an apt one?
Jesse, dare I say it, trumping my remark in Natter:
Dana: OMG, I'm trying to be snarky on FB and almost used "trump" as a verb (in its normal sense), and then realized I needed to find another word to use.
I went with "one-up."
Me: Stupid orange-headed fool taking perfectly good words away from us. I see outraged bridge clubs muttering dolefully into their tea cakes.
Jesse: Or passive-aggressively poking at each other. "Three NO TRUMP!!!!"
Zenkitty in Natter
You know what's awesome in an overwhelming way? Mountain Dew with lemon vodka. It tastes like a melted alcoholic lollipop. Super refreshing, as your eyes roll back.
Dana in Natter, definitely not being sarcastic:
Woohoo, chaos at work. This is definitely the best thing that ever happened to me since I got my sarcasm module removed.
Dana: My neighbor is coming over. Here you can see the shakiness of my principles -- he's a Trump supporter, and yet I needed someone to deal with the bug.
Connie Neil: The perfect person to deal with not-quite-dead roaches!
JZ on watching the first presidential debate:
I'm joining Jesus in drinking gin straight from the dog dish tonight.
Matt the Bruins fan in Boxed Set:
At this point they should have Mandy Patinkin dress up as Inigo Montoya and tell Barry that sometimes you just have to let things go.