Wasn't that a presidential order from Truman? IIRC, the military fought that order really hard
You're correct, and I'll edit -- but my point is the effect on the people on the ground when they've had to deal with a new reality, even if they haven't thought their way past their prejudices first.
Also, wouldn't she have some kind of help? so that she's not taking care of the baby 24/7?
You guys, can I just say, I look at the pie charts on [link] and I get a little giddy thinking that Barack Obama could actually be president. It's just so crazy!!
I love those pie charts almost as much as actual pie.
Oh, thanks Jesse! I keep forgetting what that site is and I like to look at it for the happy making.
I look at the pie charts on [link]
I wish I understood what some of the map graphics mean. I've pked around the site, but I can't find an explanation for what the maps called "Tipping Point States" and "Return on Investment Index" mean. If anyone can shed some light, I'd be grateful.
Also, the pie charts' relationships to each other confuse me -- what's the difference between "Win Percentage" and "Popular Vote"?
I saw Nate Silver on Colbert yesterday, and he said "Win Percentage" is the likelihood that Obama would win.
I believe "Win Percentage" is the odds that he'll actually take it. Not being a stat-head, I haven't looked that hard into all the methodologies and charts and etc., because I also like the blogging.
"Tipping Point States"
Probability that
will be the state that decides it all.
"Return on Investment Index"
States where investment in advertising/campaigning will have the most bang for the buck.
Win percentage is the probability that a candidate will win. Popular vote is what the average of the polls currently says -- like when some poll says "Obama's leading 52-46", only with multiple polls counted in the result (in other words, they're not saying that Obama is going to get 89% of the vote).
There's a lot in the FAQ, but I found it easiest to grok the site by following it for a few days and seeing how things changed as new results came in; there's a "today's polls" post every day that explains the new results and the effects they're having.