Put the DH and his sis on the redeye last night, on their way to extract their brother from the drug/divorce/whatever else situation. Then I could not sleep ALL NIGHT. I was worried about DH, then Zorro decided I needed to be awake, and alternated meowing and licking me for two hours. THEN there was something which sounded gigantic rustling outside the bedroom window. I think it was two raccoons getting busy. Two neighbor cats were on the fence, watching with great interest. I finally drifted off around 4:00 am, and then the dogs woke up and needed to go out. I woke up with a headache and decided to stay home from work.
The DH did get there safe and they are with the bro. I got my fingers crossed.
but I'm also fat, 6 years older than him, and dumber than his whole family. I just can't seem to get past that part.
Aside from the being 6 years older than him part, which is completely out of anyone's control, pleae do not be calling my awesome, beautiful, delightful, and incredibly intelligent friend mean things that are 100% untrue. I shall have to come to Boston and kick your ass if you keep it up.
Also, Bug, you are not dumb. You are way smart, also caring, strong and crafty, too!
Oh, and I am 6 years older than the DH. I consider it an EXCELLENT age difference.
I didn't say I was dumb! I said I was dumber than his whole family! That's probably not a lie.
megan may not like the camera, but the camera likes her.
Dude- pretty much what most families look for is: "does this person make my son happy?" There you go. Also, you're NOT dumber than his family, they just have more education, which does not equal dumber. The only people that matters to are shallow, score-keeping, exclusionary snobs. You are charming and lovely and can intelligently discuss any number of subjects and are probably a refreshing change from the overprivileged and spoiled people they see in Brookline. You are courageous and determined and strong and have much to be proud of, and you should remember that. You should make a list!
Also: please to not be using fat as an self-insult. Fat is fat, it's neither good or bad. I think you are looking extremely lovely and healthy these days.
I've found that it's often useless to compare relatively smart people to find out which one is dumber.
His mother may be a superior court judge, but she may not know how to trick a 6 year old into eating her peas, dissect an internet community or what have you.
Oh, and I am 6 years older than the DH. I consider it an EXCELLENT age difference.
Really? Good to know. My mom thinks it's fantastic, and when she started explaining why I got bigtime squicked and make her stop.
I don't really care, but I'm always afraid people are going to see me as a cradle-robber or something.
Mostly, I'm just having meet-the-parents jitters, apparently. Wow. Craziness!
I think you are looking extremely lovely and healthy these days.
Awwww! Thanks!
Hey, who wants to Photoshop me into this one?