El cerebro está a punto de estallar
he brain is a pint of Stella Artoir?
Heh. It's actually, "My brain is about to explode."
The rest said, "Please send help. Thank you."
Then I said something about only being able to speak in Spanish. Then "EEP! I meet CBD's parents tomorrow."
A vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias. *g*
Um, sorry?
No no - it was entirely my own doing! My only regret is that twas not done on *Friday* night when I could have slept in the next day.
Hooray for peektures!
I was stumbling along in the Spanish and I realized my classes had not prepared me for discussing exploding brains.
Is possibly the funniest thing I've ever read.
Sorry if it annoyed.
Not at all. Briefly confuzzled and bemused me, but definitely not annoyed.
my classes had not prepared me for discussing exploding brains.
Yeah, I was having a little trouble going directly Spanish -> English, but when I put it through the "what would bitches say" filter, it suddenly made perfect sense. Cultural context is an amazing thing in language learning.
Quite frankly, I've been so busy with schoolwork (note to self: online classes DO NOT work for you. You just don't do the work, then two weeks before the classes end you have three months' worth of work to do! NOT a good plan) that I kind of haven't been able to freak out about meeting his parents. I don't even really know why I'm freaked out. Ok. I do. I shall list the reasons.
1. His mother is a superior court judge.
2. His father is a trained pediatrician who now runs some big children's healthcare organization.
3. His little sister is a senior at Yale.
And if/when I graduate in 2009, it will have taken me 14 years to get my degree. I just feel like there is no way I will EVER measure up to this family.
My brain knows this is ridiculous. And CBD has told me that they're thrilled that he's happy and cannot wait to meet me. I know I'm funny and personable and all that, but I'm also fat, 6 years older than him, and dumber than his whole family. I just can't seem to get past that part.