I've found that it's often useless to compare relatively smart people to find out which one is dumber.
His mother may be a superior court judge, but she may not know how to trick a 6 year old into eating her peas, dissect an internet community or what have you.
Oh, and I am 6 years older than the DH. I consider it an EXCELLENT age difference.
Really? Good to know. My mom thinks it's fantastic, and when she started explaining why I got bigtime squicked and make her stop.
I don't really care, but I'm always afraid people are going to see me as a cradle-robber or something.
Mostly, I'm just having meet-the-parents jitters, apparently. Wow. Craziness!
I think you are looking extremely lovely and healthy these days.
Awwww! Thanks!
Hey, who wants to Photoshop me into this one?
and dumber than his whole family. I just can't seem to get past that part.
Yo, sweets, book learnin' do not smarts make, k? My husband, who is ridiculously brilliant and all but dissertation in genetic epidemiology and biostatistics, manages a GameStop because it makes him happy.
He says he feels smarter now than he did during all his years of overpriced education because of the multitude of skills he has to call on to deal with a wide variety of problems and yanno, people.
dumber than his whole family
Maybe than his whole family put together. Otherwise, that statement is so not true. You're the honor student the professors write glowing praise about. You're the story quilter and the helpful friend. You are the Bug that could.
Hey, who wants to Photoshop me into this one?
I think you have to be a redhead with blue eyes to be in that pictures.
Oh, VW, I had the same feeling when I went to meet Steven's family last Winter.
And they were fantastic to me and I never felt under-educated. They're the kind of people who would feel horrified if they ever even thought they'd been dismissive of any one, in any way. I bet CBD's family are the same way.
Sorry! I don't even know if I have any pictures of the lunch at Megan's because I was too busy keeping Dylan away from Breakable Things That Are Not Ours. But there were a lot of cameras around (Javachik's made me jealous) so I'm sure somebody has proof that we were there.
I haven't posted all of my pictures from the lovely brunch yet, but these two are my favorites. This one of Dylan and veggie dip, and this one of Dylan using Jess as a junglegym.
Oh, goodness! Those are adorable pictures!
They're the kind of people who would feel horrified if they ever even thought they'd been dismissive of any one, in any way. I bet CBD's family are the same way.
I'm sure they are. I mean, after all, they produced CBD, and he loves and gets along well with his parents. So they must be good people. I was excited about this until I started thinking too much. Must stop that. Like now.
Thanks guys. I really didn't mean to be all navel-gazy. But thank you for indulging me with all the nice remarks!