sj, I'm pleased you've found such a great car, and I hope you get your logistics worked out to get it converted as quickly and painlessly as possible. New car! Also?
Thank you!
If it were me, sj, I'd get black. I'm also picky about my colors (like to see them in person).
Aww, flattery will get you everywhere! You convinced me.
As for your toilet issues? I'm afraid I'd find a chamber pot and present the landlord with the contents, for him to flush down HIS working toilet. What? I never said nice, did I?
Ha! Have I mentioned how much I adore you today? The problem is more that we currently have to reach into the icky back tank to make it flush because the rubber band that was apparently holding everything together broke. So it's not totally broke but really gross and inconvenient.
GC, I actually said "oh, that's really cute!" out loud when I saw the pic.
iirc I said, "awww that haircut is so cute!"
Tep, I have to agree with Hec and others
yah, what they said.
In "voting is hard!" news... Is it wrong that I'm voting against a candidate because there's a blatant typo on his web page?
the radical acceptance of who your Dad is and is going to be
Update: the angiogram showed blockage in small veins around his heart, but they're too small for a balloon angioplasty to open them, so the doctor is prescribing something that apparently is good specifically for angina.
Dad says he's going to ask them to keep him another night, "Because I don't have anyone to take me home."
Me: "Dad, what about [friend of his]?"
Dad: "She had to go to the doctor this morning."
Me: "Well, it's 1:30 now, so by the time they release you, surely she'll be done."
Dad: "She said she wouldn't be home until 2:00."
Me: "Dad, it's 1:30 now, so that's pretty soon."
Dad: "Well, she runs around a lot and probably won't be home."
Me: "Dad, have you even called her?"
Dad: "I don't like the way she drives. You're off tomorrow and can get me then."
Me: "Dad, it's ridiculous to stay overnight in the hospital and rack up a huge bill just because you can't get a ride because you don't like your options of driver."
Dad: "Well, I have to lie flat for 4 hours anyway."
Me: "Dad, I get off work in 4 hours and I can get you and take you home then."
Dad: "I don't want to be a burden to you. You can get me tomorrow."
Okay? How do I even deal with that? He won't call the available person because he doesn't like the way she drives -- note that I did NOT say "beggars can't be choosers" -- but he's willing to martyr himself and stay in the hospital one more night because he doesn't want to inconvenience me tonight.
Jesus Christ, it's an inconvenience no matter WHEN I would do it, so what's the fucking point of staying another night, other than the fact you can play the martyr card? AND BY THE WAY THE HOSPITAL IS NOT A HOTEL.
Peace and sanity~ma for Teppy.
Well, the furnace guy has been here and gone. Has to order a part, and come back tomorrow.
How do I even deal with that?
You call his friend and ask her to drive him home anyway?
Any way you can just show up and get him after work, Tep? It doesn't sound like arguing with him is going to get you anywhere at this point.
How do I even deal with that?
You call his friend and ask her to drive him home anyway?
I realized I don't have her number. Mostly because, why would I have the phone numbers of my parents' friends?
Damn, Steph, I can think of all kinds of options for your dad, but he seems to be a real expert at rationalizing his own martydom. At this point, let him stay. Eventually, he'll get tired of shelling out the extra money every time he pulls this. (I hope, for your sake.)
After making what feels like a gazillion phone calls today (despite my phone phobia, go me!) I think I finally was able to get my insurance agency to fax over the right form and now I need to get dressed and run to make the meeting on time. Wish me luck!
he seems to be a real expert at rationalizing his own martydom.
I guess it's his way of trying to maintain some small degree of control over what's happening. I understand that -- his body is just completely falling to pieces and hurting and not working properly and he can't do anything under his own power to fix it. So he tries to control what he can.
The problem is, what he's exerting control over is not just his mode of transportation, but *me.* I'm trying to *help.* I'm trying to give him options -- more options means more control. But I guess when I don't fall in line with what he thinks should happen, it's like one more thing being taken out of his control.
I just don't know why he can't look to the left and see the other options.