Okay, hi! I started seriously video gaming again about a year ago and am currently super into it. So here are things I can talk about.
-FINISHED (recently enough to talk about)--
1) Dragon Quest XI. Played 240+ hours on PC, and am about 25 hours into a replay on switch. Super love it, obviously. So colorful and simple and pretty.
2) Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. Favorite retro-ish 2d metroidish game I've tried yet - found it super fun and happy.
3) Tomb Raider (2013) - there was too much gore but otherwise I really loved this. Lara was a good heroine, even if the story and her character development were both nonsensical if you probe beyond the surface at all.
3) Hollow Knight - keep getting stuck. It's fun and cool and clearly better in some ways than Monster Boy, but the dark aesthetic and extreme distance between benches keeps putting me off. I am currently in a long put down phase but do intend to keep at it.
4) Breath of the Wild - can't get into it but not sure why? I'm off the plateau but barely. My son is much further along. I may officially give up I haven't decided.
5) Horizon Zero Dawn - I haven't left my valley yet but definitely like it more than BotW, even though the climbing mechanic in BotW is so much cooler. I think I don't like that Link is such a cipher. Aloy is already much better. I mostly play this one when the kids want to watch so it may be a slow burn, but if the story picks up (I expect it will) I may devote more time.
6) Jedi Fallen Order - lightsaber whiz crash! I'm three planets in, playing on hard mode so I can git gud (Bloodborne is waiting) and I really like it. I love Star Wars games historically and this is a solid one. I like to play this for an hour then switch to a more RPGish thing.
7) Persona 5. Very cool jrpg with so much style! Will be playing for a long time I think. This one plays well on my phone using PS4 remote play, so it's often my bedtime game.
8) Ring Fit Adventure - snagged this TODAY at Walmart! Have only tried one mini game so far (it was a big exercise day and I'm tired) but seems super cool
9) Celeste. This game is super great. I am about 2/3 through the main story and expect I will beat it in the next two weeks (except the side stuff which is too hard for me). Hard as hell but because you can save basically anywhere it ends up feeling more like a puzzle game than a hard action game. Very very fun.
10) Baba is You. What the hell is this game why is it so weird and cool. I go through spurts with this one.
11) Fitness Boxing. Fine exercise game on switch. Not a lot of style or substance but when I do the workouts I get stronger so that's good.
12) Nier:Automata - this game is amazing but I made the mistake of buying it on PC (before I got the PS4 pro) and my PC really can't handle it. I only got about 12 hours in before I had to give up. I want to buy it on ps4 but double buying it hurts so waiting for a serious sale to kick in.
-- CURRENTLY PLAYING (with family)--
Mario Party
Mario Kart 8
Just Dance (2020, but with Unlimited subscription)
Rocket League (once, but maybe more soon)
Overcooked (so fun! Wife and I beat 1, but are finding 2 more annoying)
Unraveled 2
Child of Light
-- PURCHASED TO PLAY, haven't started--
The Last of Us
Uncharted 1-3 (will probably just play 2)
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Half Life 2
God of War
-- WANT TO PLAY, not yet purchased --
Final Fantasy 7 remake
Probably many others don't let me read about games thanks