Personally I think they should hand out mechanical pencils at the door. You know, the kind with the metal pencil shaft? They were my weapon of choice against pervs on the Prague metro. The fuckers hurt when used for stabbing (I know since I've accidentally stabbed myself.) And you can wrench them around and it's awful (also, from accident. Pencil in bag, jammed against my back and the car was packed and writhing. That bruise took a long time to go.)
King Felix did not get the memo that he's supposed to be cheering me up.
Well DAMN. I missed the Grilled Cheese Invitational this weekend. DAMN. I love the categories: Missionary (white bread, yellow cheese, butter), Spoons (any bread, any cheese, butter), Kama Sutra (anything goes), and Honey Pot (dessert).
The inside of my ear canal is itchy. I tried the ear drops to get rid of wax, and it didn't help. It's not painful or anything, just incredibly annoying.
pseudo-hippie rationalizations for toolish behavior.
I like this; I should use this more often.
If somebody touched my breasts without permission, I'd bite his hand.
And not for fun.
Apparently all the evils of the world are caused by sexual repression. Women's sexual repression, especially. I guess women should agree to sleep with every guy who asks, or somesuch....
Well, that is actually true.
Okay, perhaps not, but when women secretly doom the world by refusing to have sex on demand, that goes past annoying to so crazy it entertains me. I'm not just dissing some annoying drunk at a bar, I'm PREVENTING UTOPIA! AIFG!
I'm preventing utopia RIGHT NOW!
I am preventing utopia in TWO WAYS--first, I don't sleep with MEN, and then I'm not EVEN having lesbian sex (er, much to my dismay)! Nor am I having lesbian sex and letting men watch! How dare I??
That's very selfish of you, meara. Surely you must know that the only reason you're a lesbian is because that guy couldn't get chicks in high school.