I've never heard my Mom swear. I've heard my Dad swear once.
tommyrot is me.
My Dad had a heart attack my freshman year of college. When we visited him in the hospital, where he couldn't indulge in his usual 3-pack-a-day habit, his response to "How's the food?" was "Shitty." That's when we knew it was bad.
The upside, of course, was that his stay in the hospital was long enough to kick the physical addication to nicotine. He never smoked again.
Honestly, I didn't used to curse very much.
I guess I am more angry, more often.
Happy birthday, K-Bug!
I know I've said "hell" in front of/on the phone with my mom, but I'm not sure whether I've said "fuck." My dad doesn't curse at all, and I've heard my mom say a few words but not "fuck."
A couple weeks ago I had this example of how much I swear in front of Emeline shown to me.
I was trying to do...something. Something with the DVD player and it wasn't working and I was getting frustrated.
Eventually, I threw up my hands, growled and said "God..." and stopped because I remembered my wee innocent child was standing three feet behind me.
And then I heard my wee innocent child say, in the most helpful tone of voice imaginable, mind "'Damn it', Daddy."
Evidently, she thought I forgot the rest of the phrase.
I guess I am more angry, more often.
I don't just swear when I'm angry. I swear in every second sentence. It's usually to add emphasis or humour. Nothing brightens up a sentence like a well-placed swear word. I tone down my language an incredible amount when I'm on the board. Mostly because I find Americans in general don't appreciate swearing as much as people this side of the pond. Am I just being crazy?