I guess I am more angry, more often.
I don't just swear when I'm angry. I swear in every second sentence. It's usually to add emphasis or humour. Nothing brightens up a sentence like a well-placed swear word. I tone down my language an incredible amount when I'm on the board. Mostly because I find Americans in general don't appreciate swearing as much as people this side of the pond. Am I just being crazy?
BWAH to the fuck-yeah xpost.
Mostly because I find Americans in general don't appreciate swearing as much as people this side of the pond. Am I just being crazy?
When my mom and I saw Four Weddings and a Funeral in the theater, I was giggling over all the "Fucks" in the first few minutes of the movie, but my mom said she thought they took it too far.
Hah! I win by one second!
I mean, Fuck yeah, I win by one fucking second!
Dudes. x-post of the week.
Mostly because I find Americans in general don't appreciate swearing as much as people this side of the pond. Am I just being crazy?
Have to join the chorus, 'cause my first reflexive response was "Fuck, yeah you are!"
Um. Ya shitbag.
Heh. Excellent. I know I'm being a big generalising racist about it, really. But I really don't hear people swear much when I'm in the States. Maybe they're just trying to be polite around the foreigner.