A topic for the discussion of Doctor Who, Arrow, and The Flash. Beware possible invasions of iZombie, Sleepy Hollow, or pretty much any other "genre" (read: sci fi, superhero, or fantasy) show that captures our fancy. Expect adult content and discussion of the Big Gay Sex.
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I believed him when he said, "my Sarah Jane". I may eventually get to the same point where I like Tennant better. I just couldn't give him a fair shake at the beginning and I think timing was all it was because now I am loving him.
I think that the fact that DT was such a Doctor Who fanboy gives him something special in that role. He lived with the previous Doctors in a real way, while other actors may have watched a few episodes for research.
Does it count if I never intended on watching the show?
not if you're still reading our reactions to the episodes!
I may eventually get to the same point where I like Tennant better.
I was devastated when CE left. i'd almost decided i was done watching, but people on my flist convinced me DT was worth giving a shot. then i watched Casanova before season two premiered and this and this is what eventually happened. i'm totally DT's bitch.
I will say at this point in the series I am getting my hate on for Mickey. I'm tired of listening to him whine about being the tin dog. Hopefully this view of him changes too.
i'll just say...yes.
I will say at this point in the series I am getting my hate on for Mickey. I'm tired of listening to him whine about being the tin dog.
Ha! I think that's where I started to like him. But he gets much better in the next few episodes.
Huh. I was a DT fangurl from the get-go. I never warmed to Eccleston and literally jumped for joy when DT took over. DT was what convinced me to stick with DW, otherwise, I was going to let it go. I was unconvinced that Who was a 'verse I could feel comfy in. Then Ten! Hook, line and sinker. I've even started ordering DVDs of the classic Who episodes.
I mourned the loss of Nine- he was
Doctor - but also accepted Ten pretty quickly.
I'd have to say that seasons 1 and 4 are my favorites; the quality of the writing/plotting/execution is stronger in this last season, but both seasons have a deeply engaging emotional arc that makes me forgive any and all flaws.
Season 2 was... OK. My favorite was School Reunion, of course, and there was some interesting parallel universe stuff. I enjoyed it at the time, but in comparison with the other seasons, it pales.
Season 3- I'd add The Sound of Drums to the end of that wonderful Human Nature-Family of Blood-Blink-Utopia stretch that was pointed out upthread. I LOVED The Sound of Drums. I recently re-watched and once again had so much curiosity about Lucy. Also, John Simm. But, um... Daleks in Manhattan? Really? No.
Season 4- in my opinion strong from start to finish. The actors carried through beautifully. How else could I have loved a silly mess like The Unicorn and the Wasp? I laughed my ASS off, despite the giant wasp ("I mean a wasp. That's GIANT!"). Stupid monster and silly history set-up still worked for me in The Fires of Pompeii as well.
I am so in love with season 4 I want to marry it and have its babies. But I still want to keep season 1 on the side.
EDIT: D'oh! Stupid grammar error! You think it'll never happen to YOU...
I'm really enjoying season 4 so far. Love, love, love season 1. Liked bits and pieces of season 2. Thought season 3 had lots of excellent stuff - although, because I haven't gotten around to buying the dvds - haven't seen it in uncut splendor. (I bought season 1, I fully intend to buy season 3 and 4 eventually - when I can afford it but season 2 would have to be on a really good sale before I picked it up.)
Despite being fonder of Tennant, I think Eccleston was the better Doctor overall. But I think "School Reunion" required someone who had a deep and genuine fondness for the show's history in a way Eccleston wouldn't have been able to deliver.
I can also buy Ten as capable of genocide or icily consigning individuals to their just desserts as he did at the end of "The Christmas Invasion" and "Family of Blood." If Eccleston had tried that it would have rung false in light of his prior performances as Nine.
("I mean a wasp. That's GIANT!")
I wanna run home right now and re-watch!
I mourned the loss of Nine- he was my Doctor - but also accepted Ten pretty quickly.
I expected to hate DT and resisted, but it was, as they say, futile. I kinda love that the show made me love both of them.
EDIT: D'oh! Stupid grammar error! You think it'll never happen to YOU...
Hee. Truer words...