Tom and Lorenzo have an interesting speculation at the end of their American Horror Story review -- I hadn't even thought of it, but it makes total sense.
And they were right! Almost wish I hadn't read it because I wouldn't have guessed it myself.
Loved the real story behind Larry's burned face. I was confused during the dinner scene because I could have sworn he was supposed to have been burned when he burned his family, and I thought it was some ridiculously huge continuity error or something. But no!
Mad Men is back in January, I think.
And Justified, Southland and White Collar all comeback on January 17th in the same timeslot.
YAY. Just checked on when The Walking Dead is coming back: 2/12/2012. (There sure are a lot of Walking Dead calendars for sale on line.)
ita ! when he and Eliot walk into the warehouse area; those pale blue pants.
American Horror Story: I love this show.
Constance: (about Travis) "
Even dead, even a boy, he's twice the man you are.
Larry: "
Well, he is now.
I noticed the pants, Erin. I just didn't see the...shaping. I thought they actually danced the line very well. I also liked how much room Eliot's gave him to move without actually being pleated (although I don't mind pleated pants--I was effectively introduced to them on men by a martial arts instructor, and I always think of them as a utility for head kicks).
Lifetime has greenlit a remake of The Blue Lagoon.
Someone please tell me Justin Bieber will star. I don't want to click on the link, in case it doesn't say that.