Debet, we don't have any human kids. I figured out (luckily, before becoming any kind of a parent) that I have no business bringing up children.
This is me (2 cats and 2 dogs). I may be ready someday. I may not. People who meet me at the bar (none of the actual people I
They know better) will always ask-while I'm waving a cigarette and drinking scotch and shots-if Mr. Jane and I have kids, and then tell me we should because, "they would be so pretty." As if they're a handbag or shoes or something. I have begun telling them, "I'm pregnant right now!"
Any good suggestions for getting melted enamel off a stove burner?
I have no idea, but the only thing I can think of is heating it back up and scraping, then going to town with the brillo pad (after it's cooled a bit).
They know better) will always ask-while I'm waving a cigarette and drinking scotch and shots-if Mr. Jane and I have kids, and then tell me we should because, "they would be so pretty." As if they're a handbag or shoes or something. I have begun telling them, "I'm pregnant right now!"
They're sort of like shoes. They get shit on them, a lot.
My shoes don't wake me up in the middle of the night.
I definitely want kids someday, and it is reassuring that I know I have a community of people here who are good parents and are willing to share their advice and experience.
I may have kids at some point and I may not. I know I don't want to do it alone and there's no partner on the horizon. And there is the issue of medications and I don't have any idea of how that would play out.
Any good suggestions for getting melted enamel off a stove burner?
A new burner coil? If it is electric.
If it's gas...I got nothin'
I can just imagine the smell, with trying to burn/melt the enamel off. Eck.
oh, dear - sj managed to cover comedy and tragedy in one post.
Fred Pete, I'm sorry about Teddy - it's so sad when a much loved pet is sick, especially since it seems the end is near. You've given him a lot of good years and just about everything a cat could want (short of world domination), and he must know he's loved. My sympathies.
can you scrape the enamel off with a razor blade or sharp knife?