They know better) will always ask-while I'm waving a cigarette and drinking scotch and shots-if Mr. Jane and I have kids, and then tell me we should because, "they would be so pretty." As if they're a handbag or shoes or something. I have begun telling them, "I'm pregnant right now!"
They're sort of like shoes. They get shit on them, a lot.
My shoes don't wake me up in the middle of the night.
I definitely want kids someday, and it is reassuring that I know I have a community of people here who are good parents and are willing to share their advice and experience.
I may have kids at some point and I may not. I know I don't want to do it alone and there's no partner on the horizon. And there is the issue of medications and I don't have any idea of how that would play out.
Any good suggestions for getting melted enamel off a stove burner?
A new burner coil? If it is electric.
If it's gas...I got nothin'
I can just imagine the smell, with trying to burn/melt the enamel off. Eck.
oh, dear - sj managed to cover comedy and tragedy in one post.
Fred Pete, I'm sorry about Teddy - it's so sad when a much loved pet is sick, especially since it seems the end is near. You've given him a lot of good years and just about everything a cat could want (short of world domination), and he must know he's loved. My sympathies.
can you scrape the enamel off with a razor blade or sharp knife?
{{{{Fred Pete, Hubs, and Teddy}}}} Much strength to you, sweetie.
Amused by the parenting talk, and happy to know that I 've got peeps who will advise when/if I get knocked up.
sj, I giggled at TCG's coffee mishap. Sorry!
Motorcycle class last night was good. The male/female ratio was about 60/40, which yay chicks on wheels, but I think all but 3 of the women were there because they want a scooter and not a bike. Where are the bad-ass women, I want to know? (Not that I'm knocking scooters, I just want to join a women's riding group. When I get a motorcycle. Which will be soon, hopefully.) (This is why I'm not getting pregnant now, you realize. Much like DJ. With less smoking and genteelness.) (I CAN HAZ PARENTHEZEZ)
I'd second the new burner coil suggestion, if it's an option for your stove -- it may be possible to heat and scrape and not die of fumes, but still not be remotely worth the trouble when the coil thingies are interchangeable.