In semi-related (or, at least, contrasting) news, I bought a new corset last Sunday.
Yay for new corsetry!
I've got the full corset bra for my sister's wedding. A friend of mine, when helping me with my final fitting, asked how I could stand to wear it, I told her how comfortable they really are when you're my size. It's nice to have the support.
ETA: I'm sorry about the kettle. But the immediate reaction to the message could only be, "Yes. Yes I see that."
I did laugh for a few seconds, because there were also coffee grounds in the milk frother instead of the coffee press.
{{Fred Pete and Hubs}} {{GC}} I'm so sorry about the kitties.
So far I've gone for a walk, made coffee and done the dishes. Laundry must get done and more online searching for jobs. Instead, I'm reading fic and worrying about potty training, although my kids are in their 20s. Go figure.
I'm getting one for my sister's wedding, too. And I've convinced her to get one also. I need to get it before we order the dresses so that I can wear it when we measure. I ain't getting screwed like I did for B's wedding. If I can avoid the Fat Chick surcharge this time, I am.
Debet, we don't have any human kids. I figured out (luckily, before becoming any kind of a parent) that I have no business bringing up children.
I'm single and kid less. It's just me and the cat.
Fred: Which is, IMO, a noble decision. My job would be much easier if more people (for whom that was true) realized it about themselves.
I love the parenting talk, but it's because it's a lovely and challenging part of life I am not going to be engaging in myself. It's funny, I spent my whole adult llife being careful about birth control and that ingrained paranoia hasn't left yet. Since the hysterectomy, I will be lying there blissfully after Teh Sex and then have a moment of blinding panic, "Oh my god, we didn't use anything and--uh, oh yeah. Never mind."
I will admit, though, that there are times that I want to start a little club of the non-married, non-sprogged 'istas, just to get together once a month and say, "Everyone else still single and not-pregnant? Not just me? Okay."
goes to sit with Debet
{{Fred Pete and Hubs}}
Jessica, I didn't say it yet, but you and FoneBone did an awesome job on your new human! Adorable. Also, Dylan Zaphod is an excellent name.
{{{Fred Pete & Hubs}}} {{{GC}}} I'm sorry.
Just got through talking to TCG. He leaves the kettle open so it doesn't whistle while he's in the shower and didn't realize that the new stove heats up water much quicker. He left without making coffee and he had no idea he had put the grounds in the milk frother instead. I'm adding a new tea kettle and a brillo pad to the list of things I need to buy today. Any good suggestions for getting melted enamel off a stove burner?