{{{{Fred Pete, Hubs, and Teddy}}}} Much strength to you, sweetie.
Amused by the parenting talk, and happy to know that I 've got peeps who will advise when/if I get knocked up.
sj, I giggled at TCG's coffee mishap. Sorry!
Motorcycle class last night was good. The male/female ratio was about 60/40, which yay chicks on wheels, but I think all but 3 of the women were there because they want a scooter and not a bike. Where are the bad-ass women, I want to know? (Not that I'm knocking scooters, I just want to join a women's riding group. When I get a motorcycle. Which will be soon, hopefully.) (This is why I'm not getting pregnant now, you realize. Much like DJ. With less smoking and genteelness.) (I CAN HAZ PARENTHEZEZ)