Hubby's dream is to be buried in an abandoned mine, wearing his full SCA armor and surrounded with weapons, then seal up the mine with proper inscriptions on the outside. He likes the idea of baffling future archaeologists with a warrior's tomb with modern armor and weapons and body chock full of fancy medical stuff.
Or, you know, I could be buried with a bunch of robots that are to serve me in the afterlife. And the door to my tomb would bear the following inscription:
Not ready reading tomb A
Abort, Retry, Fail?
Why did I wear a wrap skirt on a windy day?
Or, you know, I could be buried with a bunch of robots that are to serve me in the afterlife.
Yeah, that does seem more likely to be useful than mummified servants and pets.
Robots won't live on into the afterlife. Don't be silly. Or, perhaps more accurately, mummified servants and pets stand similar chances of making it to the afterlife to yours.
Agreed, don't pay a lawyer for something you can fill out a form for. Make sure it is TOTALLY COMPLETE and don't skip any of the requirements, and you should be fine.
Why did I wear a wrap skirt on a windy day?
Wearing a skirt in Chicago is a gamble every day.
Robots won't live on into the afterlife. Don't be silly. Or, perhaps more accurately, mummified servants and pets stand similar chances of making it to the afterlife to yours.
What about a robot...
with a soul?
Which reminds me of the episode of
The Brak Show
where Thunderclese dies and goes to heaven: "I'm a robot. I shouldn't even be here!"
Thanks for the advice and links, both! I shall check them out pronto.
Seriously, if I had more than two cats to provide for, I'd go the full-metal-lawyer route, but as long as I can write up something relatively simple (so that my estate goes to my brothers with "please use it for the kids as you see fit") that will make life easier, that would be great. Being that there's a whole damn house to dispose of now, my 'estate' has some bling-bling in it.
Fred Phelps crazy is beyond my comprehension.
I feel like warmed up ass today. I have about 1 day a week like this. I'd like it to stop. It' not enough to keep me home, but I go through the whole day feeling behind and draggy and knowing I am missing half of what needs attention.