Oh heaven, yes. Do you know any? That's nearly like asking if one can be female and a woman at the same time.
Heh. Yeah, that was a rhetorical question.
Often, people pursue the field out of a desire to fix *themselves.*
Years ago I read that college psychology majors had a higher incidence of mental illness than average. But I didn't know if being a psych major drives one crazy or if potentially crazy people were attracted to the major.
I was fascinated by psychology in high school and college. I almost considered psych as a major but I figured I'd hate being a therapist. The 'psych majors are more likely to be crazy' thing might have influenced me as well.
They're showing our apartment at 8:30 Saturday morning.
sj, you and TCG should cook fish the night before. If the smell of cookies baking is supposed to help sell a place, then I say day-old-fish smell should repel them.
If I had studied psychology, I think that would have been me. Also, dying to write up stuff confidentiality forbids. But what a loss to Quantico, huh?
Damn you, Fourth Estate...damn you to hell.
Although, actually, I'm more in the Fourth Guest House...the one they advertise for mothers-in-law and such.
If anyone's interested, here's a link to the Marcum speech that led to the Google Book Search quote: [link]
sj, you and TCG should cook fish the night before. If the smell of cookies baking is supposed to help sell a place, then I say day-old-fish smell should repel them.
Good idea! I'm not doing a big super cleaning again. I'll make the bed and straighten up a bit, but that's it. I just had my teeth drilled and I am not a morning person, so it's not happening.
OK!! I have clarification!
It was her son that was wonky! Apparantly, in Northern Michigan, you get more "emo" cred if you are a cutter. His little girlfriend and her friends all brag about how much they cut and "Oh woe! I neeeeeed to feel paaaaaain to be Gothy and sad - like." Her son and his friends use the terms "cutter" and "emo" interchangably. I told her, "Nuh and Uh. Being a cutter has nothing to do with being Goth or Emo. It has everything to do with a) deep seated emotional issues or b) trying to get "cred". If she did it or talked to a Real Goth about it, they would send her running to a therapist and/or the hospital." She said, "Thanks. Good to know." I also said, "Here is my friend's website. True goth. You will learn things and give it to him."
Then she hung up the phone on me while screaming his name to "get his ass down here."
If anyone's interested, here's a link to the Marcum speech that led to the Google Book Search quote
I found that speech earlier, and thought it sounded like the one -- only it doesn't have that quote anywhere in it. Your prof should google more carefully before giving silly paper topics!
I was waiting for you and/or Rick to come around and back me up.
Yes, two weeks is short because there are committees to meet and professors to herd and deans to consult. It's a system built for freedom of creative expression, not for efficiency, so it can be crazy making if you want something to just get done.
Check out this news video Corwood linked to in Music a week ago:
Win points by attempting to commit suicide! Take online quizzes for bragging rights! Parents, lock up your whiny, pathetic children!
Corwood Industries "Buffista Music III: The Search for Bach" Mar 1, 2007 9:02:13 pm PST
YouTube video: [link]
eta to fix 'Corwook.'
Then she hung up the phone on me while screaming his name to "get his ass down here."
"If she did it or talked to a Real Goth about it, they would send her running to a therapist and/or the hospital."
That is for damn sure. (And thank you for mentioning GCS!)